Monday, May 18, 2009

An update

The Feathered Quill is a handy-dandy blog full of tips for writers and links to resources, but it also a way to let me tell all of my adoring readers about my journey. I try to make the blog fun as well as informational, so if you the adoring reader have a question please leave a comment and ask me. I'm open about things.

Here in the past month I have been editing my first draft of my manuscript. It's a daunting task full of frustrating moments. I am currently up to chapter seven on editing. What am I editing you ask. Everything from sentence structure to character ideas and minor plot lines. The major key elements I am keeping because the are the heart of the book. I have been cutting down the chapters so that they are not twenty pages long, but still keep their core. It's a delicate balance I am striving to achieve. I actually don't mind editing, it's typing the new pages that gives me pause. I have issues finding time to type, and it's not just typing. When I input the new pages I am also adding bits of narrative to the page.
I have had many offers from people to help type, but it just can't be done. It's a vicious circle.

I am actually hoping to have all the chapters edited by the end of June and typed by the end of July. I would love to arrange a meeting with Susan Gilmore to ask her some questions, but I have jury duty coming up and I am not sure when that is or when it will be over. Until that is done I am not making any plans set in stone.

I would like to thank everyone that has read all of my blog posts, and I hope that in some way it is helpful to you.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure you will be done before you know it.
