Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Kindergarten Woes?

Since spring is almost here a lot of parents have enrolling in kindergarten on their minds. This is a HUGE step in a child's life and in the parents. What to do first?? I will be honest in saying that if your child has been through some sort of a Pre-K program things will be easier, but if not there is hope!
First check with your local Elementary school to see when the OPEN ENROLLMENT is for Kindergarten, durning the enrollment make sure to turn in your paper work, if you miss the deadline DON'T PANIC, simply drop off your paper work at the school's office after they are open. Don't worry about the immunizations, you have all summer to get those if your child needs them, but check with the school about their policies regarding the deadline for when you can turn in your shot record.

In order to make sure your little guy or gal is ready for school simply play school with them at home! Make a table a desk for your child and have some fun projects planned that involve jumping, playing, and story time (they have to sit quietly while you read), and keep in mind the rules that a teacher would have. No talking in class, raise your hand, walk quietly in the hall, sitting still, and listening. Make it fun and use POSITIVE rewards, like "Wow! You really did a good job coloring!" then a sticker would be given, or a high five.
Of course play dates offer heaps of opportunities to seep in some more school rules. Sharing, team work, how to listen, how to treat other people & their property. Gentle reminders go a long way, "Hey, remember how we use team work to get a BIG job done?" then show them the first couple of steps and watch them absorb the concept and take off with it!

Now if your worried about that pesky kindergarten test at the start of the year don't be. It's not a real test. This is mainly for the teacher to know what level your child is on so they will know your child's strength's and weaknesses. Most school's will send you a copy of the results so you can work on their weak area's at home. No worries.

If you want to prepare your child for kindergarten so they are not swimming in the deep in go over basic skills.
Handwriting: how to hold a pencil, writing their first name, coloring semi-in-the-lines. As far as fine motor skills go they should be able to trace a cross, a plus sign, make a line, and make a circle.
Shapes: work on recognizing basic shapes, circle, triangle, square, rectangle.
ABC's: recognize letters in uppercase & lowercase, recite the alphabet
Numbers:count to 20, recognize numbers 0-20
There are some physical aspects also. Standing on one foot, hopping, telling left from right.

Enjoy the experience! Make sure to talk to your little one so they will know what's going on. Often they will be MORE excited than you would have expected!

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