Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Penny For Your Thoughts

In light of all of the books converted to movies I am left pondering which is the best one. It doesn't have to be an "official" book, comic books count too. I thought Hulk movie was okay, not really enought "HULK BASH" for my tastes, but it was a good story line. We can't overlook the old school movies based on books like "Interview with a Vampire", or the cartoon movie "The Last Unicorn". This is a tough question to answer, it's akin to asking me what my favorite color of nail polish is. So you tell me what is your favorite movie that was based on a book of some sort, it can be a fanasty, a comedy, a comic book, anything. I will even accept "Twilight". I just want to hear your picks.

For those out there that are interested in my pick I have to go with "Interview with a Vampire", and in a strong second is "Alice in Wonderland", the made for TV series the live action with Gene Wilder in it.


  1. Hey, it's BEE. I was reading some if your blog. It's looks good. I book mark the web page so I can come back later. I'll talk to you later.

  2. Hell Jeannie you know this is a hard question for Me to answer because I do not read books. Well I guess I will have to say the Batman series or The X-men series of movies because I like the comics. GPA
