Friday, April 30, 2010

Grow, Growing, Grown

I know that when I began this blog around a year ago I had hoped to discover something about myself. And I have surprisingly. It's strange to think that a blog could give you some insight into yourself while you are intending the posts to be read by others.
I'm not sure how I can explain it. It's been a learning session for sure. I have discovered that I have issues with people who have their own blogs but do not keep up with it or even worse they mis-use words in the their post and have spelling and grammar mistakes. I can't read something that is chocked full of mistakes, I can't suppress my need to correct it. It's that way with books here lately too. If I'm reading a book and discover a typo, misprint or some other mistake I can't finish the book. I haven't bought any books in a while because of this, and I have only been re-reading books in my personal collection that I know are error free. I guess editing all those pages of manuscript has ruined me for life. It's even gotten to the point that when one of the teachers at my kid's school sent home a quick note I cringed because she misspelled a word, then corrected it by striking it out, then re-wrote the word next to the scribbled out mess of a word.
Since I have this terrible OCD word thing going on I haven't wrote a word for my book. I would be tempted to rip it apart and essentially ruin what is best about my work. I would despise myself if ripped it's soul out.
So in essence I have grown as person, as a writer and perhaps I have turned myself into a word processor on legs. That's sexy huh?

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