Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Romance Writers of America annual Conference for 2011 will be held in New York, New York from June 28- July 1 2011. The link to the page is . This year is the 31st Annual Conference and it will be held at Marriott Marquis in Times Square. This year the Keynote speaker is Madeline Hunter and the Awards Luncheon speaker will be Sherrilyn Kenyon, Meg Cabot will emcee the 2011 RITA and Golden Heart Awards Ceremony and Julia Quinn will speak at the Librarians Day Luncheon.

This conference will have OVER 100 workshops, plus panels and round -tables with publishing pros. They also will have one-on-one pitch sessions with a literary agent or editor available, but you must pre-register for this. They also have Scholarships available.

This conference is meant for writers, editors, agents and other professionals, but if you are a fan and want to attend they recommend you attend the “Readers for Life” Literacy Autographing on Tuesday night, which features HUNDREDS of authors and is open to the public. For this you will NOT have to pay the conference fee to attend the book signing.

This is a HUGE conference and to be honest it is a tad overwhelming, but they understand this and have a GREAT FAQ’s page that is a must see if you are thinking about attending. They cover the cost, what to wear, what to bring with you, and heaps of other questions you may have.

Registration for this event has started, and the early registration for members of the RWA and non-members end on May 13, 2011. Late registration ends June 10, 2011. The big difference between members and non-members is the price. Of course you can do an on site registration, but it will cost you extra.

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