Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring Green

This time of year, Spring, always leaves me awed. It's as if my eyes have never before seen the color green before. It's just not standard shade of green that has my eyes consuming the feast Mother Nature puts before them, but all the varying shades that make up the spring pallet, the combination of colors.

To me this time of year is the MOST important for the writer. Spring is the season of renewal, and new starts. I know how tempting it is to stay hunkered behind your laptop to keep pecking out one more chapter, but you need to get outside and experience this new season. If you just can't, gasp, abandon your laptop for an hour in the outside realm take it with you and write your impressions of what you see! A writer always writes best what they have experience with and to get experience that means getting out there in the world and well, getting some experience! Take notes on the weather, if it's a balmy 70 degrees take note of how your body reacts to it. Are you wearing a sweater and sweating your butt off? Did you forget that it rained yesterday and today you wore sandals and now your squishing through puddles? Write all of this down and it will help you when your stuck in writing.

Writing is tricky business. Your a living being trying to breathe life into a person that will never actually breathe or move in the real world. All that your character has to rely on for this amazing ability is you! Don't give your wonderful characters the short end of the stick, use what you know; the life you have been living since you were born to help your book get on it's feet. Remember how it feels to run till your sides hurt, how it felt the last time you stubbed your toe, and how good it really feels to take a real deep breath after a spring storm. If you have forgotten what it feels like to live take a writing break for a day and live! Your characters will thank you!

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