Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's been a while...

I haven't posted anything for a while because I have been so busy. Thanks to my new little boy who is 9 months old I barely have time to sleep, muchless write anything, and I do mean anything. Even my husband has taken on the challenge of writing the shopping lists, which is confusing for me because he will put Water on the list but not what kind he wanted. Which results in me calling him while I'm shopping.

I haven't forgotten about writing, I still keep a journal for myself and that helps me sort through and process my day. A way to wind down after a busy day of breastfeeding, homework, cooking, laundry, and Lord knows what else. My days are a bit overwhelming to say the least.

On top of everything else we are curreently in the process of buying our first home. There are tons of stuff that is involved. It is a bit overwhleming to be honest. The biggest shock so far was how much the Home Inspection will cost us. $330! Wow huh? That doesn't even cover the septic,termite, and radon testing. Those will run us about an extra $225 bucks. Ouch. What got me was how quickly all the testing and inspecting has to be done. We have 10 days to get all this done. This after months of looking at homes, it seems like everything is in fast foreward. Were keeping our fingers crossed that everything will turn out well and we can be moving sometime in March.

If your writing everyday, even if it's a journal like in my case, keep on. Life will free up some and before you know it you will be writing that book that you always wanted to. Even if you just write down ideas once a week for your writing that's progress! See the cup as half full instead of half empty.

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