Sunday, August 26, 2012

At last....

Were finally semi-setlled into the new house and I LOVE it! We still are unpacking, mostly items from our storage unit which is about 30 miles away so it is slow going. I have yet to set up an "official" writing area for myself so I am posting this from my kitchen table while watching it rain through my awesome bay windows! Having a new home is my dream. A place where I can raise my kids, and have roots. It's an awesome feeling. I have big plans for our yard and repainting in a few years. Sometimes I still feel stunned that we actually managed to pull this off. I will be folding clothes and it will hit me that I just washed and dryed clothes in MY machines and I am folding clothes in MY living room. It seems surreal to be honest. I am so proud of my home and of my husband. He made this possiable! He is my favorite person at the moment. I regret not posting as much as I wanted to, but a new house means a new routine to settle into. My boys are going to new schools, which means adapting to a new community's rythem and flow. So far things are going smoothly except for last Monday when I had to pick up my middle child from school early because he ran into a door and needed stitches. His first stitches! He got three on his right eyebrow. He was paniced of course, but he did really well. Minus the yelling he held very still and let the doctor do the procedure. He is such a trooper! So life for us is moving on. We have had issues as far as employment is concerned, but really who is not? Things are finally looking up for us, and hopefully some of the pressure will be relieved. The stress of making the house payment plus the other bills can be overwhelming. While all of this is running circles in my head my youngest baby is finally walking at 16 months! It is thrilling watching him take his first solo steps that reminds me of Frankenstein walking. If your wondering if I was concerned about him taking so long to walk I was not. Why should he walk when he has me, dad and two brothers to carry him around? Plus crawling is faster. His walking may be delayed, but his mouth is not. He talks all day, and sings, and yells. He is very vocal! I finally have decieced that it is time to begin writing again so I can once more have a purpose in life other than child related goals. When I was taking my "moving" break I did feel a bit lost, almost like was floating free with no connections. I envisioned myself as a bit of dandelion fluff lost in the wind. I do feel better since I have started thinking about my plot lines again, and of course what to post! Now to get myself to the storage unit to drag out my desk and my books. I do miss my books..

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