Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Breastfeeding is in the news Again

I have seen several news articles over the summer about Breastfeeding. The first was the photos that TIME magizine did of the Army mom's nursing while in uniform and now it's in the news again because of a Transgender dad wanting to be a leader of La Leche League in Winnipeg, Canada.
What happened is that he sent an e-mail to the La Leche League (LLLC) requesting it and the declined him because he is a man. Their rules states that a man cannot be a leader. Of course he is upset over this, and I can see why. He has breast fed his child for 16 months with the help of a feeding tube that allows him supplement his own milk. There's no shame in that; I have had to supplement my own milk before.

Here's my take on it. Transgender people tend to fall into a grey area. I have NOTHING against them or their lifestyles. I think that if that is what it takes for you to be happy and to live a productive self-fulfilling life then go for it. I am of course all for Breastfeeding, but as a mom that has breastfed three boys (I am currently weaning my youngest) I can see the La Leche League's point of view. Some mom's would simply be uncomfortable discussing nursing their child with a man who is not their husband. I had heaps of issues nursing my boys from Yeast infections, plugged ducts, engorement, plugged nipples and more. I didn't even feel like telling my husband how I cured the plugged nipple. It was a tad embrassing and gross.

This is my solution. Let him have a Co-Leader that is female! That way if another Transgender is attempting to nurse or considering to nurse the support is there! Also if the members of the League feel uncomfortable seeking a male for aide then he has backup, a female Co-Leader to handle those types of situations.

Breastfeeding Leagues should welcome ALL into their fold. Nursing a child is hard enough, let alone with no support. The first time I nursed my first born I did not know ANYONE else who was nursing and the hospital did not have a laction counselor. Also there is no league where I am located at. It was before it got popular. I was on my own. I really struggled, I just wanted my baby to sleep through the night. I was exhausted and so very unprepared. Now things are different and should be improved! There is no need for ANYONE to be shut out just because of a lifestyle choice.

I can see how his experience could aide new mom's. Why should they not allow others the chance to have that kind of wisdom at their fingertips because he doesn't fit into their idea of a Leader physically? How silly can you be? They need to readjust their rules to allow for MODERN times. Exceptions should be made. They, the LLLC, should be helping progess breastfeeding by whatever means a family has. Hopefully in the future they will adjust their rules and push foreward the movement of Transgender breastfeeding.

He has been writing about his struggle with the LLLC on his own blog at Milk Junkies. He is currently asking people to write to the LLLC about them needing to change their rules. Hopefully he will get enough support to push this much needed change through! Visit his blog and help out!


  1. Dear R.J. Where do you live? Breastfeeding USA is a fast-growing national breastfeeding support group. You can learn more at our website, BreastfeedingUSA.org or Facebook page. We welcome all who are breastfeeding.

  2. That is fanstic news, but saddly my Breastfeeding days are over. We are not having any more children, and my youngest is officially weened. I am currently a resident in Hickman Co. TN. Also keep in mind when I first started my Breastfeeding journey was almost 12 years ago. That's quite a long time ago in the baby world. I live an hour and a half from Nashville. Not convient for a new mom to travel while recovering from delivery. Thanks for the comment!
