Friday, August 31, 2012

The Fifty Hype

I will admit that I did read the horrid books in the Fifty Shades of Grey Series by E.L. James. I did it for friendship. oh, what a girl will let her best friend talk her into...
I watched the staff of the Today Show give it raving reviews and I read all the GLOWING reviews of Fifty Shades of Grey and I stupidly thought, "Oh, it will be good!". Nope. I now have learned not to let reviews guide my reading list.
This is a list of my issues with the books in the series. First off it started out as a Fan's writing of a Twilight story on the Twilight Fan page. The story was set up for Edward and Bella in another UNIVERSE. Then when it was getting heaps of reviews word spread to somebody that had the means to publish it and they did after they pulled it from public domain, and changed the story enough so they could legally copyright it so that money could be earned from it. So they took something that was FREE and made HUGE amounts of money off of it.
Number 2: The girl in the story is in College and does not own a PC, MAC or even has her own e-mail address or a cell phone. What TEENAGER doesn't even have these items??? That's unrealistic. NUMBER 3: Again, she's in COLLEGE and a virgin. I have NEVER met anyone in real life that managed to graduate a virgin. Number 4: Again she's in COLLEGE and hasn't drank any liqour or beer, and yet a few weeks pass and after one night of grauation partying she's a pro at drinking and when she visits her mom acts like it's "old hat". So is she a drunk or not?? Number 4: She has no spine, and when she does leave him it seems off, like the writer just needed conflict and this was how she chose to add it.
Number 5: At the start of the book she is a confident girl with the world at her feet. She hooks up with "Fifty" and all of her self confidence is shot out the window attached to a flaming arrow. The character changed! Number 6: All that I had heard was how risky the sex was. "oh, it's HOT!" It was not. Handcuffs, neck ties,cable ties and the occasional spanking does not equal risky sex. I was expecting more, something other than what I got. I hoped the intensity of the sex would progress through the books to give the reader a feel of what it is like to be in a REAL BDSM relationship. Nope. The book was more about how to get a guy who is into that type of sex into a "vanilla" relationship with plain old regular sex. It should of been called Fifty ways to get a guy to settle down, instead of Fifty shades of Grey. Number 7: After all the pages of the same old sex I began to SKIM read the booty pages. Which equaled about half the book.
Maybe if you are a young adult that's just exploring sex or a very sheltered house wife with no internet the sex content would be considered hot and taboo. To me the plot was thin. Yes I will read romance novels if they have a great story line that keeps me turning the pages. Kresley Cole does this well and so does J.D. Robb. I have no hate for romance done with taste and good writing. The writing in Fifty Shades of Grey made me crazy. Her inner goddess sections of the book was the most interesting sections till they got annoying. To me the best sections was the e-mails from Christian to Anna. I could of done without the rest of the book because they were too pefect. Yes, I understand it was fiction, but I adore characters that have flaws. Even if their flaws are something that I have never experienced I can still symthapize and connect to them. How can I connect to a rich boy who thinks he has "issues" related to his mom and a girl who has everything going for her? There's not much for me to latch onto to be honest. As for the movie I know everyone is thinking about who would play Christain in it. I think Justin Timberlake could pull it off well. He has the same body type as Christain and he can pull off the sex scenes with no issue, plus he is rich and he is charitable! A perfect match I would say. So there is my view of the Fifty shades of Grey books. Don't read them unless your a sheltered house wife or maybe 18 years old.

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