Monday, June 15, 2009

Is everyone having a wonderful Monday? If you answered "No" well then join the club. I hate Mondays, I'm part Garfield. Yesterday HBO aired the first episode of True Blood season 2. If you missed it, go to and check out the synopsis of the episode. It's better than nothing.

Okay now to the "Meat" of today's post. Details is what makes a books stand out for me when I'm reading. If the writer doesn't take the time to research the city, town or group of people the story is about the book looses it's credibility. Without credibility the reader will have issues connecting to the book and finishing it. I have stopped reading many books because I could not push myself read it. Really who wants to punish themselves by reading?

When writing ensure that you have at least googled the town or nation your setting your book in. That's all I ask. If your seriously wanting to make an impression do some serious research. Serious is actually visiting the place that you have set your story at. Call it a "Business trip". Once you have visited you can add depth and color to your narration that was missing previously.

If your broke, like many of us are now days, go to the library and check out a book about your topic in question. Ask some friends who have visited the place to share some of the vacation photos with you, and then you will hear a first person's point of view on your topic.

Research is your friend. It can make or break your book. A few extra days spent researching will not affect your books likely hood of getting published, and it will actually help you in that aspect.

1 comment:

  1. I am surprised you didn't say more about true blood.
