Sunday, June 21, 2009


This post has nothing to do with writing, or anything vital. I'm peeved. Let me begin. I was on face book playing Texas hold 'em poker at a cheap-o table. There is another "girl" on the table with me. At first it's the normal poker crap going on in the chat. Then his guy says that the "girl" is hot. This is strictly because in her profile pic she does appear to very blessed in breasts for a woman, but not overly so. I know boobs, I'm a woman. I see boobs every morning when I get up.

What annoyed me was that throughout the game this guy kept asking her questions trying to determine her cup size. I vomited a bit in my mouth. I could see that conversation being carried on in a private chat, but please refrain from using a public one. It's degrading and it cheapens the essence of the game.

He kept saying that she was "hot". I believe that most young males believe anyone with ovaries and breasts is "hot". I purposely have my profile photo to be a close up of my face in a very calm pose among some beautiful flowers. I live with having breasts and a figure that for some unknown reason draws weird people like flies to honey. What made it degrading for us females is that she was drawing him in, instigating the entire situation.

What she said undid nearly 75 years of women's lib. Where are the girls that want to vote, that are not ashamed of what god gave them and yet do not flaunt it like a tainted lady? Where are our manners?? What happened to men being gentlemen and respecting a woman? I am ashamed that I am of the same sex gender as her.

In the chat session she stated that she was/is 17 years of age. My question is where is her parents and why in the world are they letting their 17 year old child play on-line poker at 2 AM? I would be embarrassed as a parent, a human, and woman if word got around that I let my underage boys stay up till the wee hours of the morning playing poker with possible pedophiles. The guys that were hitting on her so avidly did not even back off after she had revealed her age. What is the world coming to?

Needless to say that I am all for friendly chatting in the poker table. Please remember fella's to leave a girl's assets out of the game. Were here to win your (fake) money not your e-mail address or to "score" your digits.

For those that didn't get the message of this post all you need to know is that not every woman can be measured by her cup size, waist size or any physical aspect. We are all wonderful creations of free will and are to be admired for the whole package, not just by what you can fit into your hands.

For the girls out there pose and tact are a girls best friends (other than diamonds). Act like a lady and you will be treated like one. There are times to act otherwise but those moments need to picked carefully or they will come back to haunt you. That goes especially for this age where everything ends up on the Internet. If you don't want your parents, family or friends to find out about it don't do it. Come on ladies, we all have great minds. Lets put them to use!

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