Thursday, June 25, 2009

Vampires, zombies, and ghosts oh my!

I know that as of today an end of an era happened with Micheal Jacksons death for rock and roll. As for writing our world is still reeling from the Harry Potter era and the more recent Twilight boom. As a writer I want my manuscript to be picked up and have a Harry Potter experiance. Who doesn't? The benfits are limitless, not to mention the royalites.

For a writer in today's market it is tough. Publishers are tighting their belts and being even more selective about the new-unpublished writers that they pick up. Agents are doing the same thing. They all want something that is new, a fresh outlook on topics and subject matter that has been wrote about ever since man first began scribbling animals with mud and poop on cave walls.

It's very appealing to say in your query that your book could be the next Di Vinci Code or Twilight. Don't do that. That is something that time can only tell. The best thing to do in a query is to let your work stand for itself. Your not selling your self, your education or your life style (unless the book is about you or your lifestyle). You are selling a story, a yarn, a mystery, something that has taken you years to hone and perfect. Let the light shine on your query. Hopefully the agents will be blinded by your brillance, then they will want to know about you as a person.

If you don't believe me check out Nathan Bramsford's blog. He's a real Literary Agent I swear it! He is also one the most honest and open in the agent buissness you'll find. I have a link to his page on the left side in my links. Check it out.

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