Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nathan Bransford

I know that in a previous post I mentioned Nathan Bransford's blog, there is a link to his blog on my side bar on the left. His blog is full of goodies for us writers. Everything from how to construct your query letter to other tasty tidbits. He is an agent for Curtis Brown, Ltd based in New York. If you are in doubt query Nathan. He is honest and full of knowledge that us writers might not be very knowledgeable about.

One of his handy blog posts that he published was posted on August 13, 2009, Thursday titled, "Book Publishing Glossary". This is great. There are terms and definitions that I know that I was not acquainted with that he posted. Check it out, and print it out, heck even save it. The information may be of use to you. Here's the link to that blog post:

If you want to read what Nathan has to say about his blog, his thoughts on publishing in the future, and his clients check out this blog at where he had a Question and Answer session. Here's a link to the post with the interview.

Have a great hump day!

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