Friday, January 8, 2010

New year = New Goals

2010 is here. Yep, it's official, were are beginning a new year of life and I say make this year your year! I know that sounds crazy, but hey I'm all about being crazy. To make this year a rocking year I have a few ideas to help you and your writer friends out.

Step 1: Make goals.
It doesn't matter if you have made a resolution or not for the new year, but make goals, milestones if you will. These need to be small, but lead up to something large, like an accomplishment. An example, by the end of every month you will mark you calendar with a huge red marker that states you will have "X" amount of chapters done (edited, read, or composed). Stick to your goal, and by the end of lets say November you'll have your book ready for final touches.

Step 2: Stick to your goals. Remind yourself or your friend about your or their goals. Set up reminders on your calender, phone, or simply ask them about their progress. This helps reinforce your overall goal, and gives them support that they need.

Step 3: Congratulate yourself or them when they complete a milestone. If they written 15 chapters in a month, and that was their goal, go out and celebrate! Have a drink, go to a movie, eat an entire pint of ice cream! That's right, be naughty! You deserve to let your hair down after such a feat!

Step 4: After completing ANY milestone regroup. Check your calendar and see what's next for your goal. You have too keep on the ball, and keep things going and moving forward. Stay on target. Your goals are reachable and if you break them up into small steps the work will not be so overwhelming or frustrating.

Now that's an easy plan! What is brilliant about this plan is that it works for EVERYTHING. It can work if your potty training your 3 year old, your financial plans, if your redecorating your house or of course writing a book. They key is to have a plan of action.
If you need to break it down into weekly goals you can. It's up to you, but remember not to overwhelm yourself. If you want to have your bedroom repainted, take small steps to get there. Set a date to paint then work backwards. One week go through your clothing (remember to donate!), the next week your books, the next week start packing things up that you want to keep, them move them the next, then move furniture, then cleaning, then at last paint! Then if you need to work out a plan for moving back into your newly painted bedroom.
I am using this plan to finish my book and to get busy with my queries. I have set a goal to start sending my queries out in May. I think that is reasonable, and it will give me plenty of time of get through the season of workshops and conventions without me feeling guilty about missing a milestone. I try to remember that life will happen no matter what milestone I have marked for completion. Who knows what this year will hold for me, but I and my milestone calender will be prepared to handle it all.

I would love to hear if you my lovely readers have any resolutions for the new year or goals for yourself!

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