Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Excuses

I have not posted in a looong time. Summer has came and gone; winter is upon us. I had a busy summer filled with relations visiting from out of state, kids staying over for sleep overs, and my anxiety over my son's year in kindergarten, and for the first time in 2 years dealing with a new teacher that was not his pre-k teacher. That is a on going challenge, but after several meetings and game plan tweaks I think we have things down. It's like I can breathe for the first time since August 1st. Any parent stresses over a new school year, but for us it's different because he has Sensory issues. Meaning that he is VERY sensitive to loud noises, certain textures, smells, even the chance that his schedule could be changed or disrupted is a cause for upset. It's been a challenge for me and my husband to help him through this, but to throw in a teacher, who he spends 7 hours a day with, who hasn't a clue about what's what and that's a recipe for disaster.
Also we are expecting our 3rd child in May 2011. Call me Fertile Myrtle. I wasn't even trying and I still got an "A" in conception! GOOOO SPERMANATER! Were all excited, and we will have some MAJOR changes. Were currently in the process of house shopping, and car shopping. The car is easy, the new house not so much. First we have to make the choice if we are going to stay in the same area or move closer to my family. Which has a whole slew of subtexts, if we move will it disrupt his therapy? Will our oldest son be okay with leaving his friends for new ones? Is the school there paced the same as our current one? See crazy subtexts that give me a headache.
And then there's the most awful part; my laptop screen cracked! Yep, it's like trying to Google through squid ink. I will admit it, I cried. It happened on my birthday, and I had a broken toe. It was a stinky birthday this year. I still haven't gotten it fixed because HP wants the insane amount of $450 to replace the screen. I could by a new one for that amount! So I am also laptop shopping. Lots & lots of shopping. I hate shopping. I must be the only female on the planet that thinks that.
I know your wanting to know about my writing. Well, I have wrote a short story, and I have had the itch to work on my book, but it's in my shot laptop. I know it's an awful excuse, but it's true! I have read a few good books lately. I loved Stephen King's "Bag of Bones", and Charles Dickinson's "The Widow's Adventure's" I had read some flops too, and they were so bad I cannot recall their names.
I hope to keep posting as long as my sweet hubby will let me borrow is laptop. I have some ideas brewing about some new posts that should be interesting. Happy Thanksgiving!

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