Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Tips

Halloween is tomorrow, so I'm posting a few tips to get you through the Holiday with your sanity intact.

Trick or Treating begins at sunset here in the states. If there is a porch light on and an open front door to a house plan on some cute spookables coming your way for goodies. I always take my kids to people we know, the dangers of unsafe candy lurks in the back of every parents mind on this holiday.

If your giving out candy and your giving out large candies like whole chocolate bars, and small toys I recommend making little goody bags. That's the easiest way, then you know everyone is getting the same amount and you'll be able to divide it up so you will know when your out. I usually put a "From:...." on the goody bag so that the kids will know that their Aunt R.J. hooked them up with the good stuff this year! No toothpaste and toothbrushes from Aunt R.J.!! I say give them King Sized bars! Let's get them hopped up on sugar!!

If your going out on foot make sure you have a flashlight and reflective clothing on. I make my kids wear glow sticks, they are spooky (sort of) and fun. While walking remove any face coverings like masks so you do not trip. I enforce this one. A sprained ankle a few blocks from home sucks.

Wear warm clothes under your costume! It is always easier to remove a layer than to freeze all night. I make my kids wear their warmest Pajamas under their costume. Then when we get home we can wash their faces and hands and simply take off their costumes and they are ready for bed.

Never allow children to go out alone!! They must have an adult with them, think about it, if you send your kids out with a somewhat responsible teenager and something happens you will blame the teenager. Just postpone whatever till after trick or treating.

Do not eat your goodies till you get home! We always wait till we get home so we can see the bounty laid out on a table. This also gives the parents a chance to go through the candy in a well lit area. Check the booty for candy that is missing labels, wrappers and candy that looks unsafe. If it looks wrong for any reason throw it away!

I know it is tempting to have just one candy before you get home, but don't. Even if the candy is from someone you know. If you think you will get peckish pack a snack. I take Ziploc bags of popcorn for my kids and juice boxes.

Here in the South Trunk Or Treats are popular. What is a Trunk or Treat you ask, well it's where an organization like say a local church will let it's members give out candy from their cars/trucks in it's parking lot. This is really popular in rural areas. It saves the parent from walking/driving all over creation. It's actually really spiffy. The best "trunks" that we visit have Halloween decor, like orange lights, props, etc set up to make a scene. The kids get a kick out of seeing a skeleton in the driver's seat, and don't forget to dress up yourself! I love it when the older members of the community get into spirit of the night. I dress up every year and it is a ton of fun to have little minds helping me plan out my costume.

The important part is to have fun! Enjoy the night and being with people you care about. Have a safe and Happy Halloween!!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I am sick. Yep, I have been coughing my lungs up and the worst part is that today is the first day since Sunday that I have been able to string cohernt sentences together. It sucks. Thankfully I think the worst is over.

I have been recieveing heaps of Facebook friend requests. Yep, heaps and heaps. If your a reader of my blog and wish to be a friend on Facebook simply add a small note to your friend request so I don't think that your just adding me becuase I'm a girl ( Hate that!).

Okay on to something good. I have quiet a few friends who are brave enough to go back to school. Yep, can you imagine starting college all over again at 30? One of my girlfrind's made an excellent point the other night while we were chatting around the campfire. We were talking about their English Comp II class and all the essays they are having to write. When I was in school my favorite thing was essays and book reports, but for a lot of people these assignments are dreaded alomost as much as the plaque.

The key to essays is easy. Follow the steps your professor gives you! They give these out for a reason, to make it easier on you!

Pick your topic, make sure it is one you can write about with it being too overwhelming. Once you have a topic do your researching, get your sources and articles and get them approved my the professor. After that is's easy, just write it. First is a rough draft, this is kind of like an outine. Make sure you are hitting key points then re-do it. If you need to let a friend read your second draft, then re-do it again. This should be your final product.

Okay, that's the process. But what my girlfriends were complaining about was that they had went through all of that to have their final paper ripped to shreds by their professor. The professor's reasoning was that it was not written to their liking. That is one of the most terriable feelings of all time, to have something that you have worked hard on rejected because it did not fulfil someone else's ideal. Ouch.

To avoid this from happening pay attention! Not just to the class but to your professor!! He/She is your target audience! Think about it, if you were writing a paper about Women's Rights for a history class you wouldn't make it strickly polictial, it would also need to cover the bases of what changed for the American Home Life, example, women working outside the homes equals more men doing chores at home that had once being considered "women's work". Now how does this involve your professor you say. Well, how old is your professor? Where are they from? What type of lanuguage does he/she use? All of this plays into your report.

If they are older and use ridgid language (no slang, no modern usage) stick to that in your paper. I do not recommend the use of slang peroid becuase it can make you sound less educated and it can alienate your aducience by making them feel their age, and really who needs to google a word that is not in a dictonary while reading an essay? If they are from a different region, like from Russia, try to remember what was going on in Russia in the time of your report. Did the change to Women's Rights in America affect other countries? Look it up, check on it and include that in your essay. Once you realize what your target audience wants to hear and read it will make it easier on you!

This also true in writing of any manuscrpit or article. Remember who your target audenice is! If your writing for teens do not include scentences that will go over their head, make your dialouge simple and easy to follow. The more complex something is the less anyone is to read it. I do not enjoy reading something that takes me a while to figure out what that writer was meaning, in other words express your meaning clearly. Clairty is your best friend, don't leave your paragraghs full of murky undertones that will leave us the reader confused. That is never fun.

Remember that it is only an essay. A simple essay, nothing major and most professors will allow you a re-do if it's not up to snuff. Try again, it's no big deal. The best thing to do is not to try do write your essay the day that it is due. That's crazy. Try to have it done a few days before it's due. It will do wonders for you self confidence if you do. Wouldn't it be nice to say, "I have an essay due on Thursday, and I have it already done." That is a HUGE amount of pressure that will be off of you. There's my tips to an essay. Enjoy!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Publishing this week

This is a bit late because this book was released on Tuesday October 20th, but all the same it is a publishing tid bit.

Actor, comedian and Chicago native Geaorge Wendt has published a memoir book that was written with Jonathan Grotenstein titled, "Drinking with George: A Barstool Professional's Guide to Beer'

This book covers Wendt growing up, his school years, his college experience and of course his adult professional life including his life on the famed TV series "Cheers" where he played Norm and his life after Cheers. The book includes personal stories, odd facts about Wendt and of course beer might be mentioned.

He was interviewed on Bob and Tom on Tuesday and also did an interview with Chicago Sun Times about his book. To read the article go to :,CST-FTR-wendt20.article

Goerge Wendt has been been a busy man in years past he was in 1999's made for TV movie "Alice in Wonderland" he was Fred Tweedledee, he has been on SNL several times (remember the Chicago Bears skit with Chris Farley?), he also was on Frasier several times as a guest, and he is in the newly announced House of Re-Animator which is due out for 2010. House of Re-Animator's plot is when there's a death in the White House, "re-animator" Herbert West is brought in to bring the corpse back to life. Wendt is playing the Vice President of the United States. That will be interesting to say the least.

"Drinking with George: A Barstool Professional's Guide to Beer' is available on priced at $16.49 for Hardcover and is also is available on Kindle for $9.99 and paperback edition is priced at $10.20. Boarders has the book also available in hardcover for $17.49.

Have a great weekend and remember to work on your Halloween costumes!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

This past weekend I made it to the movies. Me, my husband and my sons all went and saw 'Where the Wild things Are." I had been highly ancipating it's release. I remember being a child and my mom reading me the book. What really had me intrested was how they were going to make it into a movie. The book is thin and has more illistrations in it than actual words. I am pleased with the movie, I loved it.

For those that are thinking about dragging their kids out to see it be warned it is not exactly a kids movie. The only thing that makes it a child movie is that the main charcters were fuzzy, furry, hairy and horned. The overtones in it is more for ages 10 plus.

The special effects were fantastic and the story was heartbreaking in several aspects. I loved it. It was right up my alley becuase I adore movies that are a bit sad and tragic. To make my point one of my favorite book/movies is "Cold Mountain". Can't get much more tragic than what happens in that movie.

I recommend it highly, but be warned that your 4 year old may get bored and frustrated because there really isn't much action and it may be a bit over their head. Overall I thought it was well worth the wait and Max Records was fantasic and the perfect Max for Carol.

The movie is based on the children's book by Maurice Sendak and is available for purchase on for around $8.00. They also have movie story book (hardcover) for $9.35.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Halloween contest 2009


Today is Hump Day! To take the hump out of your week I am here to announce that The Feathered Quill will be having a HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST! The contest officially begins TODAY SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 and ends on FRIDAY NOVEMBER 6, 2009!

TO ENTER: Send a photo of yourself in your Halloween Best to me at in JPEG format and include your name, address, contact phone number and your e-mail address with your photo. This information is for contest use only, I will not spam you.

First Place will receive a $25.00 gift cerifticate to SIMPLYAUDIO.COM, second place will receive a copy of DAN BROWN'S "The Lost Symbol", and one winner will be chosen randomly to win a $15.00 itunes gift card.
The winners will be contacted by me R.J. Self when they are drawn. I will mail the prizes to the winner in the month of November and the winner will be drawn on NOVEMBER 7 2009.

NO NUDITY! A selection of the entries will be posted to my blog as well as the winning entries, by entering the contest you agree to have your photo posted. Only one prize per person. If multiple people are in the photo you will have to share the prize, one prize per place awarded. Entries without contact information included will not be entered in the contest, they will be discarded. Everyone is welcome to enter, the photo's can be in black in white, but this contest is for BEST COSTUME it will not be judged based on the photographer's skill.

If you have a question please contact me at or leave a comment on my blog.

I look forward to seeing all the photo's and I will re post this blog post EVERY TUESDAY for those that need the entry information. May the best costume win!!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

A Womans Nation

I know that last week I did not post anything and that is because I was crocheting my brains out. Me and my husband will soon the the proud new aunt and uncle to a baby girl within this week or next week. We want to be there for the arrival of the newest addition to our family, but due to the fact that we have two kids in school and that the birth will happen in North Carolina means that we cannot be there. So we opted to send something that has love in every stitch, I made a hooded baby blanket. Even though we cannot be there the new baby can be wrapped in our love. Corney? Yes, but a sweet gesture all the same.

Now the fact that I can crochet brings us to something that got me to thinking. On the Today Show they are doing a special report this week called "A Woman's Nation" and it is a report done with Maria Shriver and the Center for American Progress. The First Lady of California visited families across the nation to see how they are a family basically. Is the woman the main income provider? Is the man the main care giver for children and elderly parents? This is a sample of the questions she asked them.

The report is intriguing to say the least. The numbers that the report gives us brings the fact that women as a whole are altering our roles in the family unit. But isn't that what we do?

This report brings us to notice that us women do what we need to do to keep our family's functioning and together. Yes, we have raised our voices in the past for the nation to make drastic changes, example for us to have the right to vote, for us to have better paying jobs,respect at our jobs and even for us attend colleges in the past that denied us females access. We have altered the way people see us as a whole.

In reality if you think about it we have evolved as a species in this aspect. We went from expecting women to be in the kitchen making dinner and bearing children to women running their own businesses and making leaps and bounds in science and technology. Not only are we the nurses that care for you when you are ill, we are running the hopstial and sending you the bill. It is amazing if you think about.

For me all of this seems like we planned it out during a quilting meeting ages ago. I can see ladies in their hoop skirts being fed up with having to wear 15 different layers in the heat if July and planning up a timeline. "Mary, I want to be able to wear pants like a cowboy by the 1950's, and I want to smoke too!" They all go out their quills and paper and made notes.

What really happened is that we took notice that we were treated as a second class citizens, and that men thought of us as possessions and not as people. I know that it sounds sexy in our minds, but really its not. If it was not for us being able to endure birthing those sexiest men would not have been born. We just want to be treated as people and that has grown till we are where we are at today.

We just wanted our fair square mostly. Also another half of it is that we have done what needed to be done. I know that we all have our dreams and plans for the future and of course we all want to see them come true. The sad reality is that most of those dreams will be put aside to be able to live, to survive.

I know that seems silly in this day and age, survival. It's true though. Me and my husband have changed the way our family functions several times just to be able to ensure that our family has been able to survive. I have worked and stayed at home, he has worked and also stayed at home with the kids; we have worked together and separately just so that we could pay the bills.

One of the things that has made us change so often was childcare. We refused to put our children in day care. We refused to push our kids on family members and friends. I don't think that shuffling our kids around was a great idea. One of the toughest times we had was when both of us was working full time jobs and my husband was a full time college student. That took a lot of energy and working out. I remember being late several times for my shift because my husband's classes ran over and I had our son till he got out of class. We swapped him off in parking lots and met for quick lunches together as much as we could. That was when I was working 50 plus hours a week and weekends just to make ends meet. (Hey, text books are not free)

We do what we have to. If that means that that the woman of the family has to work because her husband got laid off and cannot find another job so be it. We have actually been through that, and it was nice to have my hubby at home. If it means that we work, we do. If it means that we have to stay at home we try to make the best out of it.

There is not always a plan. I loved my job I had but I elected to give it up to stay at home with our children. It has not been the easiest path, but it has been a worthy path. I do get tired of the laundry, the running back and forth to school, and everything that needs to be done falling upon my shoulders. I chug along for my children and because these things must get done. I do wonder where I would be at now if I had stayed at my job and placed our boys in day care. I doubt if we would be as close as we are now.

This report is telling us what we already know. We are going to do what is necessary. No more, no less. If that means joining the army to pay for school and to help us get decent medical care so be it. If that means having an office job during the week then waiting tables on the weekends while we go to school at night we will. It's a difficult balance to wear all the hats of mother, daughter, sister, wife, employee, student, and still keep a minor sliver of ourselves intact.

The Shriver Report can be viewed at and is available for purchase only in the format of an ebook on October 20th. Amazon has it for the price of $9.99 for the kindle. It can be printed off of the website for free. Also this week on the Today show they will be featuring A Womans Nation everyday.

Happy Monday and tell a woman that is special to you thank you.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Schools Closing

It's Friday again! Yea! Well, we are still on Fall Break and I have been busy enjoying my kids and winterizing. Yep, I have been swapping summer wardrobes for winter ones, putting swimming gear in storage and doing some much needed cleaning. As I have cleaned and stored this till next spring I am worried. Very worried.
I live in Dickson TN and they, and they being the county, are considering closing our schools all because they cannot decide on a budget. The state will allow them TWO months to keep the schools closed.
Your thinking TWO months too huh? That's what I said. The kicker is that the kids will end up having to go to school through the SUMMER and for Saturday school to make it up. That is crap I say! CRAP!
The real issue is not that the county cannot settle on a budget that will NOT result in us paying an outrageous amount for property taxes, but that the children will suffer. The kids will have to acclimate all over again to be comfortable with their teachers and class mates, they will have to RE-LEARN everything that they have been taught so far this year, and what really has me riled is that the special needs children that depend on the school to provide therapy will not receive their therapy. I know that most of the parents here cannot afford to pay the therapist $70.00 an hour to come to their homes.
I have a little one with a fine motor skill delay, but that is nothing major compared to what some of these children are getting therapy for. In children every day is precious when they have a special need. That is a day they can improve, strengthen and learn. Imagine two months without therapy that is NOT covered by medical insurance because most insurances do not cover speech, fine motor skill delay, or even gross motor skill delay therapies because they are seen as "cosmetic".
To me the Dickson County Commissioners are being selfish and stupid. They are thinking only of what they want, not what the people of the county need. As a parent I am outraged that they would let this slid too the point that they have chosen a day to close the schools, which is OCTOBER 23 if your wondering. They are having another meeting to settle this hopefully on MONDAY OCTOBER 12 in Charlotte at the courthouse. I am not sure of the time, they have yet to post it anywhere. I am guessing they do not want a mob of pissed of parents there helping them do the budget.
For our children to suffer is shameful. It makes me cringe to admit that I live here. If I could home school my children I would after this. This shows how much the county cares for our futures, i.e. the children.

I am guessing that Fridays from now on will be my rant and rave day. I'm just joking, but this really upsets me. Hopefully our school year will not be disrupted and things will continue on normally. I sincerely hope so for those of us that depend of the school system to provide what we physically cannot at home.

Have a happy and safe weekend, and for goodness sakes READ SOMETHING!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fall Break Ideas

This week is Fall Break for us here in Tennessee for those that attend school. Yep I have my wonderful boys for two full weeks. Now that I have them what do I do with them? This is the question many parents ask. I understand that heaps of parents do not have the option of staying at home like I do and many moms and dads are busy with work and are looking to maximize the quality time they get with their kids. I really do understand that because once upon I time I used to work 60 plus hours a week.

Do not fear! I am here with tons of ideas to help you make a fun day with your kids! These ideas are designed for cooler weather but can be changed to fit whatever climate you live in.

Since it is cold and wet here we will be mostly indoors. The first thing that is on my "TO DO LIST" with my kids is simple, color! There are TONS and I mean TONS of free printable coloring pages out there from children's websites. has quite a few that can be had in their most popular characters like Olivia and GO! Diego GO! . You can also search in your web browser and get tons of sites.

2. Paint. Since it is fall and fall means leaves and pumpkins. Before you paint make sure you have all the supplies you need. I like to cover everything in newspaper, including the work area and the floor. I let the kids were old T-shirts to paint in since smocks are kind of hard to find. I like to use paint brushes with different sized tips from small to large, and I try to use the ones that have a TRIANGLE handle, the shape lets the kids use the brush like a pencil, and lets them use their tri-finger pencil grip with ease. Make sure the paint is water soluble, and is NON-TOXIC and is safe for kids. Trust me, they will get paint in places you never thought possible.
I like to take the kids outside with a bucket to gather leaves of different sizes, acorns, rocks, sticks and anything else that they like. If the items are wet dry them off as best as you can and if the leaves are wet press them between two paper towels and set a book on them and allow to dry OVER NIGHT.
When we paint we use construction paper, paper plates and card stock, but any paper product will work. I use Dixie cups to divide the paint up by color, and a plastic cup to hold the water and brushes. The kids like the clear cups so they can see the water change colors when they rinse their brushes. Let them paint one side of the leaves and whatever else the pick up from outside and them press it onto their paper.
This lets the kids see the textures of the leaves and the surfaces of their items. They can use different colors and make a fall scene they can be proud of!

3. Paint Pumpkins! Everybody has seen the cute little pumpkins on sale at their local store for cheap. They are the PERFECT size for small hands. Pick up a few and let your kids paint them. Don't be scared to use the ones with textured surfaces, often kids like the bumpy ones better! They can have spooky faces, silly faces, add some yarn and give them hair with a bit of hot glue to hold it on. You can use buttons for eyes, construction paper or felt for a hat. The possibilities is endless! Then sit your end product on a table for a homemade center piece that is touchable!

4. Spooky Cut Outs! Construction paper is cheap and it can be bought in large amounts. For this alone I LOVE it! For this you can use water paints, crayons, markers, or whatever you happen to have on hand.
Draw shapes of ghosts, pumpkins, and monsters on construction paper, then let your kids color them. Some older kids can help you cut them out, but be sure to let them use safety scissors. Remember the less detailed the limbs are, like hands and hair, the easier it is to cut them out. I like to cut out eyes and tape a different colored square of constriction paper on the back side to give them different colored eyes. Then tape them to any surface of your choosing, but make sure it is somewhere where they can be admired!

5. Bird feeders. These will not be squirrel proof, but they are fun. I know that if you like us you go through milk like crazy. Save some milk jugs, make sure they are rinsed out well though and keep the lids.
Step one is to draw a large oval or square on your milk jug. I like to use the sides opposite if the handle. Then cut it out using kitchen shears or some sharp scissors, this recommended to be done by adults only. Make sure the hole will be large enough for a bird to get into the jug, think of the size of a Blue Jay.
Next paint the jug with Non-toxic kid safe paint. (Remember to cover your work area with newspaper or a drop cloth and to let the kids wear an old T-shirt) Let the jugs dry overnight or till they are completely dry!
Once dry drill two small holes through the neck of the jug, the holes need to be large enough to allow you to thread twine through them with ease. Once drilled thread twine through the holes and cut the twine with enough length to allow it to hang from a tree branch.
You also need a third hole. This will be for the perch. For the perch you can use a stick from the yard, but make sure it is at least 1/2 inch in diameter and that it is not rotted so it will support a bird, or you can go to the local hardware store and by wooden rods and cut them to size with a small saw. Some craft stores sell small pre-cut perches also. Cover the end of the stick in a strong glue like Gorilla Glue and place it in the hole you drilled. Allow the glue to set and dry. Make sure to place the lid back on it so that rain will not get in it from the top.
Once the glue is dry pick out a place to hang it. A tie the twine around the branch, and fill with bird seed. The kids will love watching the birds at the feeder, and they will love filling it back up. Plus it's good for the environment!

6. A movie Picnic. For an afternoon that is dreary get out a quilt and make a living room picnic. We usually pop popcorn and make hot chocolate for this event, make sure to use a cup with a lid. Watch some family favorites like "The Wizard of OZ", "Babe", "Wall-E" and have a blast snuggling and laughing. The dreary afternoon will be fun and the mind numbing stream of endless cartoons and video games will be halted for some quality time. My boys love it when we have a movie marathon picnic, try watching several Harry Potters or the Land Before Time movies back to back.

7. Charity. Christmas and extremely cold weather will be here before you can blink. October is the perfect month to get ready for it if you haven't already. Change out your summer wardrobe for Winter clothes and donate your summer clothes that you know you will not wear again to a Charity. I know that kids grow fast and the winter clothes that fit good last year might be too small for this year, so while your unpacking your winter items check the labels and if they are too small make sure they go to charity as well. This is also the perfect time to go through toy boxes and bookshelves. Trust me if you don't do it now you will be kicking yourself come Christmas morning when your house looks like a toy store puked in it. If there is not a local Charity in your area ask around, there is always a family in need somewhere and many local churches and food banks also accept clothing and household items.

8. Read. Yep, read to them. Even the most time pinched parent can sit down and read a book to a child. I cannot stress enough how much spending 15 minutes a day reading to a child can make a difference.
It doesn't have to be a huge book, just a simple one. Cat in the Hat, The little Red Hen or even a comic book will do. If you show that you like to read it will improve their skill for reading! Reading well is a must for school and they will be reading for the rest of their lives so give them a good start!
If you don't have books to read go to the local library or Goodwill. Often at charity stores they have used books for cheap. Another added bonus is they quality time you will get out of reading to your child. They will remember snuggling up and you reading them a book, and they will look foreword to it. My four year old refuses to go to bed without his story, it is part of our nightly routine and helps him relax for bed. Trust me he is a busy boy and he needs to relax before bed or we would be up all night with him. It's a wonderful tool and it allows us to unwind a bit too!

I hope these 8 ideas will help you get through Fall Break with a small part of your sanity intact. If you need to get out of the house with your little ones and it is dry try a park, an ice cream trip, or even a simple walk around the block. Or if you feeling a bit more adventurous take them skating, or rock wall climbing. All that matters in the end is that you got to spend some quality time with them while they are away from the pressures of school. Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009



Today is Hump Day! To take the hump out of your week I am here to announce that The Feathered Quill will be having a HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST! The contest officially begins TODAY SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 and ends on FRIDAY NOVEMBER 6, 2009!

TO ENTER: Send a photo of yourself in your Halloween Best to me at in JPEG format and include your name, address, contact phone number and your e-mail address with your photo. This information is for contest use only, I will not spam you.

First Place will receive a $25.00 gift cerifticate to SIMPLYAUDIO.COM, second place will receive a copy of DAN BROWN'S "The Lost Symbol", and one winner will be chosen randomly to win a $15.00 itunes gift card.
The winners will be contacted by me R.J. Self when they are drawn. I will mail the prizes to the winner in the month of November and the winner will be drawn on NOVEMBER 7 2009.

NO NUDITY! A selection of the entries will be posted to my blog as well as the winning entries, by entering the contest you agree to have your photo posted. Only one prize per person. If multiple people are in the photo you will have to share the prize, one prize per place awarded. Entries without contact information included will not be entered in the contest, they will be discarded. Everyone is welcome to enter, the photo's can be in black in white, but this contest is for BEST COSTUME it will not be judged based on the photographer's skill.

If you have a question please contact me at or leave a comment on my blog.

I look forward to seeing all the photo's and I will re post this blog post EVERY TUESDAY for those that need the entry information. May the best costume win!!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

How To Subscribe

I had a question asked by Kelli via my GUESTBOOK, and it is a wonderful question. How do I subscribe?

That is easy! On the left side of my page you have two options!

One is to become a "FOLLOWER", this option allows you to use your Google account or another account to keep track of your favorite blogs, I actually use this feature myself for several blogs. This option allows you to sign in under your google account and allows you to leave comments on the blogs you are a fan of, this is easier for me.

The second option is a new addition to my blog. You can now subscribe via a feeder. This allows you to add a feed to your most used homepage like MY AOL. Just click on the orange icon on the top of the left side of page that says "SUBSCRIBE TO THIS BLOG". It will pop up a page that has some of my most recent posts on it and on the top right side it gives you multiple options to add a feed of my blog to. Choose which one you use and it will say subscribe with MY AOL for example, then click on it. It will pop up your page and may ask for your log in info. Then it's done! Simple, and easy.

Kelli, I hope that answered your question! If you have a question feel free to leave it as a comment in the post it is referencing, or you can leave it in my guest book which is located at the bottom of my blog or you can e-mail me at Thanks for reading!