Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

This past weekend I made it to the movies. Me, my husband and my sons all went and saw 'Where the Wild things Are." I had been highly ancipating it's release. I remember being a child and my mom reading me the book. What really had me intrested was how they were going to make it into a movie. The book is thin and has more illistrations in it than actual words. I am pleased with the movie, I loved it.

For those that are thinking about dragging their kids out to see it be warned it is not exactly a kids movie. The only thing that makes it a child movie is that the main charcters were fuzzy, furry, hairy and horned. The overtones in it is more for ages 10 plus.

The special effects were fantastic and the story was heartbreaking in several aspects. I loved it. It was right up my alley becuase I adore movies that are a bit sad and tragic. To make my point one of my favorite book/movies is "Cold Mountain". Can't get much more tragic than what happens in that movie.

I recommend it highly, but be warned that your 4 year old may get bored and frustrated because there really isn't much action and it may be a bit over their head. Overall I thought it was well worth the wait and Max Records was fantasic and the perfect Max for Carol.

The movie is based on the children's book by Maurice Sendak and is available for purchase on for around $8.00. They also have movie story book (hardcover) for $9.35.

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