Friday, October 9, 2009

Schools Closing

It's Friday again! Yea! Well, we are still on Fall Break and I have been busy enjoying my kids and winterizing. Yep, I have been swapping summer wardrobes for winter ones, putting swimming gear in storage and doing some much needed cleaning. As I have cleaned and stored this till next spring I am worried. Very worried.
I live in Dickson TN and they, and they being the county, are considering closing our schools all because they cannot decide on a budget. The state will allow them TWO months to keep the schools closed.
Your thinking TWO months too huh? That's what I said. The kicker is that the kids will end up having to go to school through the SUMMER and for Saturday school to make it up. That is crap I say! CRAP!
The real issue is not that the county cannot settle on a budget that will NOT result in us paying an outrageous amount for property taxes, but that the children will suffer. The kids will have to acclimate all over again to be comfortable with their teachers and class mates, they will have to RE-LEARN everything that they have been taught so far this year, and what really has me riled is that the special needs children that depend on the school to provide therapy will not receive their therapy. I know that most of the parents here cannot afford to pay the therapist $70.00 an hour to come to their homes.
I have a little one with a fine motor skill delay, but that is nothing major compared to what some of these children are getting therapy for. In children every day is precious when they have a special need. That is a day they can improve, strengthen and learn. Imagine two months without therapy that is NOT covered by medical insurance because most insurances do not cover speech, fine motor skill delay, or even gross motor skill delay therapies because they are seen as "cosmetic".
To me the Dickson County Commissioners are being selfish and stupid. They are thinking only of what they want, not what the people of the county need. As a parent I am outraged that they would let this slid too the point that they have chosen a day to close the schools, which is OCTOBER 23 if your wondering. They are having another meeting to settle this hopefully on MONDAY OCTOBER 12 in Charlotte at the courthouse. I am not sure of the time, they have yet to post it anywhere. I am guessing they do not want a mob of pissed of parents there helping them do the budget.
For our children to suffer is shameful. It makes me cringe to admit that I live here. If I could home school my children I would after this. This shows how much the county cares for our futures, i.e. the children.

I am guessing that Fridays from now on will be my rant and rave day. I'm just joking, but this really upsets me. Hopefully our school year will not be disrupted and things will continue on normally. I sincerely hope so for those of us that depend of the school system to provide what we physically cannot at home.

Have a happy and safe weekend, and for goodness sakes READ SOMETHING!!

1 comment:

  1. i agree girl..its glad to hear someone say something about this cause i dont hear alot about this stuff unless someone says something about thanks and see ya later the blogs
