Thursday, October 29, 2009


I am sick. Yep, I have been coughing my lungs up and the worst part is that today is the first day since Sunday that I have been able to string cohernt sentences together. It sucks. Thankfully I think the worst is over.

I have been recieveing heaps of Facebook friend requests. Yep, heaps and heaps. If your a reader of my blog and wish to be a friend on Facebook simply add a small note to your friend request so I don't think that your just adding me becuase I'm a girl ( Hate that!).

Okay on to something good. I have quiet a few friends who are brave enough to go back to school. Yep, can you imagine starting college all over again at 30? One of my girlfrind's made an excellent point the other night while we were chatting around the campfire. We were talking about their English Comp II class and all the essays they are having to write. When I was in school my favorite thing was essays and book reports, but for a lot of people these assignments are dreaded alomost as much as the plaque.

The key to essays is easy. Follow the steps your professor gives you! They give these out for a reason, to make it easier on you!

Pick your topic, make sure it is one you can write about with it being too overwhelming. Once you have a topic do your researching, get your sources and articles and get them approved my the professor. After that is's easy, just write it. First is a rough draft, this is kind of like an outine. Make sure you are hitting key points then re-do it. If you need to let a friend read your second draft, then re-do it again. This should be your final product.

Okay, that's the process. But what my girlfriends were complaining about was that they had went through all of that to have their final paper ripped to shreds by their professor. The professor's reasoning was that it was not written to their liking. That is one of the most terriable feelings of all time, to have something that you have worked hard on rejected because it did not fulfil someone else's ideal. Ouch.

To avoid this from happening pay attention! Not just to the class but to your professor!! He/She is your target audience! Think about it, if you were writing a paper about Women's Rights for a history class you wouldn't make it strickly polictial, it would also need to cover the bases of what changed for the American Home Life, example, women working outside the homes equals more men doing chores at home that had once being considered "women's work". Now how does this involve your professor you say. Well, how old is your professor? Where are they from? What type of lanuguage does he/she use? All of this plays into your report.

If they are older and use ridgid language (no slang, no modern usage) stick to that in your paper. I do not recommend the use of slang peroid becuase it can make you sound less educated and it can alienate your aducience by making them feel their age, and really who needs to google a word that is not in a dictonary while reading an essay? If they are from a different region, like from Russia, try to remember what was going on in Russia in the time of your report. Did the change to Women's Rights in America affect other countries? Look it up, check on it and include that in your essay. Once you realize what your target audience wants to hear and read it will make it easier on you!

This also true in writing of any manuscrpit or article. Remember who your target audenice is! If your writing for teens do not include scentences that will go over their head, make your dialouge simple and easy to follow. The more complex something is the less anyone is to read it. I do not enjoy reading something that takes me a while to figure out what that writer was meaning, in other words express your meaning clearly. Clairty is your best friend, don't leave your paragraghs full of murky undertones that will leave us the reader confused. That is never fun.

Remember that it is only an essay. A simple essay, nothing major and most professors will allow you a re-do if it's not up to snuff. Try again, it's no big deal. The best thing to do is not to try do write your essay the day that it is due. That's crazy. Try to have it done a few days before it's due. It will do wonders for you self confidence if you do. Wouldn't it be nice to say, "I have an essay due on Thursday, and I have it already done." That is a HUGE amount of pressure that will be off of you. There's my tips to an essay. Enjoy!

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