Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Tips

Halloween is tomorrow, so I'm posting a few tips to get you through the Holiday with your sanity intact.

Trick or Treating begins at sunset here in the states. If there is a porch light on and an open front door to a house plan on some cute spookables coming your way for goodies. I always take my kids to people we know, the dangers of unsafe candy lurks in the back of every parents mind on this holiday.

If your giving out candy and your giving out large candies like whole chocolate bars, and small toys I recommend making little goody bags. That's the easiest way, then you know everyone is getting the same amount and you'll be able to divide it up so you will know when your out. I usually put a "From:...." on the goody bag so that the kids will know that their Aunt R.J. hooked them up with the good stuff this year! No toothpaste and toothbrushes from Aunt R.J.!! I say give them King Sized bars! Let's get them hopped up on sugar!!

If your going out on foot make sure you have a flashlight and reflective clothing on. I make my kids wear glow sticks, they are spooky (sort of) and fun. While walking remove any face coverings like masks so you do not trip. I enforce this one. A sprained ankle a few blocks from home sucks.

Wear warm clothes under your costume! It is always easier to remove a layer than to freeze all night. I make my kids wear their warmest Pajamas under their costume. Then when we get home we can wash their faces and hands and simply take off their costumes and they are ready for bed.

Never allow children to go out alone!! They must have an adult with them, think about it, if you send your kids out with a somewhat responsible teenager and something happens you will blame the teenager. Just postpone whatever till after trick or treating.

Do not eat your goodies till you get home! We always wait till we get home so we can see the bounty laid out on a table. This also gives the parents a chance to go through the candy in a well lit area. Check the booty for candy that is missing labels, wrappers and candy that looks unsafe. If it looks wrong for any reason throw it away!

I know it is tempting to have just one candy before you get home, but don't. Even if the candy is from someone you know. If you think you will get peckish pack a snack. I take Ziploc bags of popcorn for my kids and juice boxes.

Here in the South Trunk Or Treats are popular. What is a Trunk or Treat you ask, well it's where an organization like say a local church will let it's members give out candy from their cars/trucks in it's parking lot. This is really popular in rural areas. It saves the parent from walking/driving all over creation. It's actually really spiffy. The best "trunks" that we visit have Halloween decor, like orange lights, props, etc set up to make a scene. The kids get a kick out of seeing a skeleton in the driver's seat, and don't forget to dress up yourself! I love it when the older members of the community get into spirit of the night. I dress up every year and it is a ton of fun to have little minds helping me plan out my costume.

The important part is to have fun! Enjoy the night and being with people you care about. Have a safe and Happy Halloween!!!!

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