Monday, February 15, 2010


SNOW! It's snowing again and I am feeling a bit lazy while I watch the slow decent of the beautifully delicate flakes. It's hypnotizing really. The falling flakes can lure you into simply being content by watching their fall to the earth. I honestly can't remember a year when we got so much snow. Last week we got snow and now it's snowing again. This is year for the record books as far as Middle Tennessee is concerned. My hubby who lived in Wyoming for a year thinks all of this snow is small stuff. Yeah, it may not be feet of snow like they get in Jackson Hole WY, but for us it might as well be. In Nashville they have 5 snow trucks, that's including the salt trucks. Too funny! Miles and miles of roads to cover in salt and they only have 5 trucks. So for me to say that we are not really prepared for this much snow is really and understatement.
We have made a snowman, been sledding, had snow ball fights, made more snow angels than I can count and of course made snow creme! Now, I know what your thinking, "Snow Creme? What's that?" I am going to share a family recipe for a winter treat that is a HUGE family favorite. I have fond memories of my mom making it for me and my brother when we was growing up. We didn't look foreword to making snowmen, but to mom's Snow Creme.

Snow Creme is like ice cream to be honest. It's quicker to make than ice cream and it's a seasonal treat because you only get it when it snows. Here's a few simple rules that apply to Snow Creme. Number 1: DON'T USE YELLOW OR BROWN SNOW! Number 2: DON'T USE SNOW FROM THE FIRST SNOWFALL OF THE SEASON (this is because the first snow of the season catches all the pollen, dirt, smog and whatever else is in the atmosphere and you so do not want to eat that) Number 3: USE ONLY FRESH SNOWFALL( don't use snow after a couple of days after it fell.)

Now that you know the rules here's the recipe.

1 Big bowl of fresh snow (I sit out a large plastic bowl on my deck when it starts to snow that way I can ensure the snow is clean. If your car has been washed recently you can use snow off the hood too if it's still clean) Keep in mind that you will need a lot of snow!

Whole or 2% milk
Vanilla or another flavoring in liquid form (think an extract)
Plain granulated sugar

In a separate large bowl scoop out snow till the bowl is half full. Add milk in small amounts till the snow turns into slush. I add mine by the 1/2 cup while I stir with a large spoon. You may need to add more snow from your "collection" bowl to get a good constancy, it's okay if the slush has lumps.(Kids can help out!) After the snow is slush I add sugar and flavoring to taste. Start out small with the flavoring, it's always easier to add flavoring to the mix than to remove it if the flavor is too strong. It's okay if your extract has color, like a brown vanilla, it will not alter the color of the creme.
Then your done! It can be eaten right away or you can freeze it if you want your snow creme to be harder like ice cream instead of a slushy.

I usually put mine in individual servings (no hogging the snow creme!) and freeze them. If you want to add an extra treat you can add gummy bears or worms and bury them in the middle of the serving before you freeze it. This mix can be poured into Popsicle molds also. You can also add food coloring to make it fun to eat.
The main thing is to get the kids in the kitchen and have fun! This is an easy recipe that doesn't require sharp tools or a hot stove. It's kid friendly!

I hope this treat makes your snow day! Not only can you play in the snow but you can eat it too!

Here are a few PICS I took of the snow last week. I have yet to venture outdoors today, hey it's 23 degrees out! Chilly!

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