Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring Green

This time of year, Spring, always leaves me awed. It's as if my eyes have never before seen the color green before. It's just not standard shade of green that has my eyes consuming the feast Mother Nature puts before them, but all the varying shades that make up the spring pallet, the combination of colors.

To me this time of year is the MOST important for the writer. Spring is the season of renewal, and new starts. I know how tempting it is to stay hunkered behind your laptop to keep pecking out one more chapter, but you need to get outside and experience this new season. If you just can't, gasp, abandon your laptop for an hour in the outside realm take it with you and write your impressions of what you see! A writer always writes best what they have experience with and to get experience that means getting out there in the world and well, getting some experience! Take notes on the weather, if it's a balmy 70 degrees take note of how your body reacts to it. Are you wearing a sweater and sweating your butt off? Did you forget that it rained yesterday and today you wore sandals and now your squishing through puddles? Write all of this down and it will help you when your stuck in writing.

Writing is tricky business. Your a living being trying to breathe life into a person that will never actually breathe or move in the real world. All that your character has to rely on for this amazing ability is you! Don't give your wonderful characters the short end of the stick, use what you know; the life you have been living since you were born to help your book get on it's feet. Remember how it feels to run till your sides hurt, how it felt the last time you stubbed your toe, and how good it really feels to take a real deep breath after a spring storm. If you have forgotten what it feels like to live take a writing break for a day and live! Your characters will thank you!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Romance Writers of America annual Conference for 2011 will be held in New York, New York from June 28- July 1 2011. The link to the page is . This year is the 31st Annual Conference and it will be held at Marriott Marquis in Times Square. This year the Keynote speaker is Madeline Hunter and the Awards Luncheon speaker will be Sherrilyn Kenyon, Meg Cabot will emcee the 2011 RITA and Golden Heart Awards Ceremony and Julia Quinn will speak at the Librarians Day Luncheon.

This conference will have OVER 100 workshops, plus panels and round -tables with publishing pros. They also will have one-on-one pitch sessions with a literary agent or editor available, but you must pre-register for this. They also have Scholarships available.

This conference is meant for writers, editors, agents and other professionals, but if you are a fan and want to attend they recommend you attend the “Readers for Life” Literacy Autographing on Tuesday night, which features HUNDREDS of authors and is open to the public. For this you will NOT have to pay the conference fee to attend the book signing.

This is a HUGE conference and to be honest it is a tad overwhelming, but they understand this and have a GREAT FAQ’s page that is a must see if you are thinking about attending. They cover the cost, what to wear, what to bring with you, and heaps of other questions you may have.

Registration for this event has started, and the early registration for members of the RWA and non-members end on May 13, 2011. Late registration ends June 10, 2011. The big difference between members and non-members is the price. Of course you can do an on site registration, but it will cost you extra.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Workshops & Conferences 2011

I just wanted everyone to know that I will be looking into this year's conferences and workshops for 2011. I will post about them ASAP and add them to the tool bar on the right. 'Tis the season for registering!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine Blues

Happy Valentine's Day! I know it's a day for L-O-V-E, and couples, but really it's not. For those out there that simply hate the day due to all the lovey dovey crap in the air, think of it as a day to cherish those you hold dear. It doesn't have to be a speical someone, wink, wink, but anyone who means something to you. Yeah, the coropate america wants you to send $150 on a dozen of roses that will die in a week and diamonds to make her sparkle. It doesn't have to be that way.

A simple card to a grandparent or a phone call to a friend you haven't talked to in ages will bring special meaning to the V-day if your a single. Or you could treat yourself! That's right, take all that money and spend it on YOU! Office supplies anyone?? Has all the typing on your new book made your nails crappy? If so treat yourself to a manicure! You deserve it! Can't remember the last time you ate a meal that wasn't pre-frozen due to the plot that your eye-balls deep in? Take yourself out to dinner!

See V-day doesn't have to be awful! If your cringing at the thought of actually going out on the hoilday don't. Stay at home and order in. It's amazing the things they will deliever now days. It's just a day, given a day with heaps on pink in it, but still just a another day.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Kindergarten Woes?

Since spring is almost here a lot of parents have enrolling in kindergarten on their minds. This is a HUGE step in a child's life and in the parents. What to do first?? I will be honest in saying that if your child has been through some sort of a Pre-K program things will be easier, but if not there is hope!
First check with your local Elementary school to see when the OPEN ENROLLMENT is for Kindergarten, durning the enrollment make sure to turn in your paper work, if you miss the deadline DON'T PANIC, simply drop off your paper work at the school's office after they are open. Don't worry about the immunizations, you have all summer to get those if your child needs them, but check with the school about their policies regarding the deadline for when you can turn in your shot record.

In order to make sure your little guy or gal is ready for school simply play school with them at home! Make a table a desk for your child and have some fun projects planned that involve jumping, playing, and story time (they have to sit quietly while you read), and keep in mind the rules that a teacher would have. No talking in class, raise your hand, walk quietly in the hall, sitting still, and listening. Make it fun and use POSITIVE rewards, like "Wow! You really did a good job coloring!" then a sticker would be given, or a high five.
Of course play dates offer heaps of opportunities to seep in some more school rules. Sharing, team work, how to listen, how to treat other people & their property. Gentle reminders go a long way, "Hey, remember how we use team work to get a BIG job done?" then show them the first couple of steps and watch them absorb the concept and take off with it!

Now if your worried about that pesky kindergarten test at the start of the year don't be. It's not a real test. This is mainly for the teacher to know what level your child is on so they will know your child's strength's and weaknesses. Most school's will send you a copy of the results so you can work on their weak area's at home. No worries.

If you want to prepare your child for kindergarten so they are not swimming in the deep in go over basic skills.
Handwriting: how to hold a pencil, writing their first name, coloring semi-in-the-lines. As far as fine motor skills go they should be able to trace a cross, a plus sign, make a line, and make a circle.
Shapes: work on recognizing basic shapes, circle, triangle, square, rectangle.
ABC's: recognize letters in uppercase & lowercase, recite the alphabet
Numbers:count to 20, recognize numbers 0-20
There are some physical aspects also. Standing on one foot, hopping, telling left from right.

Enjoy the experience! Make sure to talk to your little one so they will know what's going on. Often they will be MORE excited than you would have expected!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bio or not

The worst part for me of writing is sending out those letters, you know what letters I am speaking of, those Query letters. You send them out and wait, and wait. This is after you fretted over what to put in your letter, how to phrase it and if it will hook that literary agent. It’s stressful to say the least. I am a FIRM believer in simpler is better. Make your letter easy to read, yet full of your voice as a writer.
The hardest choice is what info to include in the bio section of your query. Do you even need a bio? It’s a hard choice to make, because really it depends on the literary agent. Do some research on your agent before you submit or compose anything. Be smart about your query.
Here’s my take on the Bio section of a query. There are HEAPS of thoughts on this section of a query. It can be confusing.
If you have been published before, or if you have written a NON-FICTION book and you have expertise on the subject of your writings because of your education, background, etc., please include that information in your bio section because it will hammer in why you have experience on the topic.
For fiction previously published works, no matter how small can be a help, and a brief description of your education, did you go to Yale? If so toot your own horn for a few lines. Simple is better, do not overwhelm the agent with you education, or publishing history.
If you to choose to skip the bio section that fine too. It’s your query! Try to go by the agents guidelines so that your query can hopefully avoid the slush pile.
Keep in mind that your query letter should be ONE page total, no more. I know it’s a lot to squeeze into one page, but you can do it! Also keep your query’s appearance neat and basic. I know you LOVE, L-O-V-E those cute pink hearts around the edge of your paper, but it is not needed for your query. You want it to be clean and professional.
Hopefully this will help you choose on what to include in your Bio section, or if you even need one. It’s a frustrating detail that is required if you are not already signed to a Lit agent, but hopefully this will help you snag the agent of your dreams!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I am a Charlaine Harris addict. Yes, I watch HBO's version of True Blood with a passion, (I mean who can resist all of those wonderful, lively characters?) and I read and have re-read the books the series is based on to make sure I have all my bases covered for when a new book comes out. This year is a BIG publishing year for Mrs. Harris And her devoted readers! I am proud to announce several up coming publications in the Sookie universe!

First up is "DEAD RECKONING" which is due out May 2011. She has yet to post any kind of a synopsis, but you can go to to read the first chapter of the book which is 19 pages. It begins with Sookie cleaning out her attic then moves onto her shift at the bar which starts out normally but as usual in the world of Sookie ends up haywire.

If you are a fan of the Sookie Stackhouse books you are very familiar with the beautiful art work that graces the covers. The artist Lisa Desimini is now selling prints of the Sookie Stackhouse art work on her website, , the paying option is through Pay pal.

August 2011 will bring the "Home Improvement: the undead edition", which is a collection of short stories by various authors and includes a new Sookie Stackhouse story. There is also no synopsis posted yet for this book.

Out in September 2011 is the Sookie Stackhouse Companion Book which will include an all NEW novella and an interview with the HBO True Blood director Allen Ball. This will help you keep track of all of those fairies, werewolves and vampires!

If you are new to the Sookie world books 1-10 are for sale and you can also watch HBO's True Blood seasons 1 and 2, season 3 has yet to be released on DVD and Blue Ray, and season 4 is slated to start airing this summer.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Spring Reading

A new year equals a new look for The Feathered Quill. I also added a new feature for all of my lovely readers, now it's easy-peasy to share what you read on my blog on your Facebook & other sites!

I have been thinking about my spring reading list, and of course my up coming book store run. Being pregnant, very much so, makes me realize that come May I will not be able to read as much as I would like. In short my selections need to be precise, and this is also true for ANYONE who is on a budget, and these days who isn't? Here are a few books I am truly excited about reading.

The Hangman's Daughter by Oliver Pötzsch

First published in Germany in 2008 as "Die Henkerstochter" this book has been quite popular there & now it has been translated to English by Lee Chadeayne! It's set in the mid-1600's in Schongau, a small Bavarian town, Jakob Kuisil is asked to discover if an ominous tattoo found on a dying boy means if witchcraft has come to their small town. Is the midwife to blame or someone else?
Keep in mind this is set in the time period when witchcraft was a SERIOUS offense, and that they used ANY means possible to extract a confession. What makes this book more than simple fiction is that the author Oliver Pötzsch is a descendant of the real-life Kuisl family, but he has clearly stated that this work uses his for bearer's name but is strictly fiction. I am sure this book will be full of plot twists & turns and will be a great read for historical fiction readers.

The Hangman's Daughter is available for purchase at book stores & on, there is a Kindle edition and paperback.

A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

This book is set to be released on February 8, 2011 nation wide. Diana Bishop is a Yale historian who happens to also be a witch who discovers an enchanted manuscript that attracts the attention of Matthew Clairmont who is a 1,500 year old vampire. Due to the manuscript her life is turned upside down thanks to an assortment of demons, witches and vampires who all want the manuscript. She turns to Matthew for aide, and their research raises questions about the race of the undead and their romance raises centuries-old enmities.
This book may be able to fill in the publishing gap for those fans of Charlaine Harris, but it still promises to be a great read!
This title is available for pre-order, and will be sold in hardcover, audio book & kindle editions via, below is the link.

I hope these two books will get you through the winter hump and into spring when warmer weather will beckon us all to explore the world outside. I am ready for warm weather, flip flops and sun screen! I am sick of snow, freezing toes, and mud. I say bring on the sunshine!