Friday, August 31, 2012

The Fifty Hype

I will admit that I did read the horrid books in the Fifty Shades of Grey Series by E.L. James. I did it for friendship. oh, what a girl will let her best friend talk her into...
I watched the staff of the Today Show give it raving reviews and I read all the GLOWING reviews of Fifty Shades of Grey and I stupidly thought, "Oh, it will be good!". Nope. I now have learned not to let reviews guide my reading list.
This is a list of my issues with the books in the series. First off it started out as a Fan's writing of a Twilight story on the Twilight Fan page. The story was set up for Edward and Bella in another UNIVERSE. Then when it was getting heaps of reviews word spread to somebody that had the means to publish it and they did after they pulled it from public domain, and changed the story enough so they could legally copyright it so that money could be earned from it. So they took something that was FREE and made HUGE amounts of money off of it.
Number 2: The girl in the story is in College and does not own a PC, MAC or even has her own e-mail address or a cell phone. What TEENAGER doesn't even have these items??? That's unrealistic. NUMBER 3: Again, she's in COLLEGE and a virgin. I have NEVER met anyone in real life that managed to graduate a virgin. Number 4: Again she's in COLLEGE and hasn't drank any liqour or beer, and yet a few weeks pass and after one night of grauation partying she's a pro at drinking and when she visits her mom acts like it's "old hat". So is she a drunk or not?? Number 4: She has no spine, and when she does leave him it seems off, like the writer just needed conflict and this was how she chose to add it.
Number 5: At the start of the book she is a confident girl with the world at her feet. She hooks up with "Fifty" and all of her self confidence is shot out the window attached to a flaming arrow. The character changed! Number 6: All that I had heard was how risky the sex was. "oh, it's HOT!" It was not. Handcuffs, neck ties,cable ties and the occasional spanking does not equal risky sex. I was expecting more, something other than what I got. I hoped the intensity of the sex would progress through the books to give the reader a feel of what it is like to be in a REAL BDSM relationship. Nope. The book was more about how to get a guy who is into that type of sex into a "vanilla" relationship with plain old regular sex. It should of been called Fifty ways to get a guy to settle down, instead of Fifty shades of Grey. Number 7: After all the pages of the same old sex I began to SKIM read the booty pages. Which equaled about half the book.
Maybe if you are a young adult that's just exploring sex or a very sheltered house wife with no internet the sex content would be considered hot and taboo. To me the plot was thin. Yes I will read romance novels if they have a great story line that keeps me turning the pages. Kresley Cole does this well and so does J.D. Robb. I have no hate for romance done with taste and good writing. The writing in Fifty Shades of Grey made me crazy. Her inner goddess sections of the book was the most interesting sections till they got annoying. To me the best sections was the e-mails from Christian to Anna. I could of done without the rest of the book because they were too pefect. Yes, I understand it was fiction, but I adore characters that have flaws. Even if their flaws are something that I have never experienced I can still symthapize and connect to them. How can I connect to a rich boy who thinks he has "issues" related to his mom and a girl who has everything going for her? There's not much for me to latch onto to be honest. As for the movie I know everyone is thinking about who would play Christain in it. I think Justin Timberlake could pull it off well. He has the same body type as Christain and he can pull off the sex scenes with no issue, plus he is rich and he is charitable! A perfect match I would say. So there is my view of the Fifty shades of Grey books. Don't read them unless your a sheltered house wife or maybe 18 years old.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I just finished reading the Hunger Games book 1 by Suzanne Collins. Yes, I know I am a tad behind all the raging teenagers, but I have been busy! I actually rented the movie first from Netflix then read the book via my Kindle. I got it free because I borrowed it from the lending library. All three books in the series is currently free in the kindle library!
I must say that I was SURPRISED that it was written decently! I was expecting another "Fifty Shades of Grey" writing style. The book flowed well, and the movie followed it closely! I really did connect to Katniss and Peeta, and I really did not want any of contestants to die, but that is part of the Game. I will not spoil it for those who have not read it yet, but it was really good and I am eager to begin the second book in the series come September 1st. I tend to stray away from the most hyped up books because usually they are lacking. The Twilight books were awful to push through, but I did read them all except for the last one. I let me husband do that one all by himself. I couldn't force myself into that again. Even for him.
In closing I think if you like action filled books with plently of harsh scenes about death The Hunger Games is perfect for you. It does have some emtional overtones in it, but not enough to make me weepy. It is well written, flows nicely and again the movie follows it closely. The main difference is that they cut out some of the background on Katniss and Peeta, and Gale of course. They leave out the story about the goat which I thought showed depth Katniss and Prim's relationship and they shortened most of the character narritives. I adored Cinna and I wish she would of given more detail about Haymitch's own Hunger Game. Maybe in the next book. I am tempted to re-watch the movie now that I finished the book.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Breastfeeding is in the news Again

I have seen several news articles over the summer about Breastfeeding. The first was the photos that TIME magizine did of the Army mom's nursing while in uniform and now it's in the news again because of a Transgender dad wanting to be a leader of La Leche League in Winnipeg, Canada.
What happened is that he sent an e-mail to the La Leche League (LLLC) requesting it and the declined him because he is a man. Their rules states that a man cannot be a leader. Of course he is upset over this, and I can see why. He has breast fed his child for 16 months with the help of a feeding tube that allows him supplement his own milk. There's no shame in that; I have had to supplement my own milk before.

Here's my take on it. Transgender people tend to fall into a grey area. I have NOTHING against them or their lifestyles. I think that if that is what it takes for you to be happy and to live a productive self-fulfilling life then go for it. I am of course all for Breastfeeding, but as a mom that has breastfed three boys (I am currently weaning my youngest) I can see the La Leche League's point of view. Some mom's would simply be uncomfortable discussing nursing their child with a man who is not their husband. I had heaps of issues nursing my boys from Yeast infections, plugged ducts, engorement, plugged nipples and more. I didn't even feel like telling my husband how I cured the plugged nipple. It was a tad embrassing and gross.

This is my solution. Let him have a Co-Leader that is female! That way if another Transgender is attempting to nurse or considering to nurse the support is there! Also if the members of the League feel uncomfortable seeking a male for aide then he has backup, a female Co-Leader to handle those types of situations.

Breastfeeding Leagues should welcome ALL into their fold. Nursing a child is hard enough, let alone with no support. The first time I nursed my first born I did not know ANYONE else who was nursing and the hospital did not have a laction counselor. Also there is no league where I am located at. It was before it got popular. I was on my own. I really struggled, I just wanted my baby to sleep through the night. I was exhausted and so very unprepared. Now things are different and should be improved! There is no need for ANYONE to be shut out just because of a lifestyle choice.

I can see how his experience could aide new mom's. Why should they not allow others the chance to have that kind of wisdom at their fingertips because he doesn't fit into their idea of a Leader physically? How silly can you be? They need to readjust their rules to allow for MODERN times. Exceptions should be made. They, the LLLC, should be helping progess breastfeeding by whatever means a family has. Hopefully in the future they will adjust their rules and push foreward the movement of Transgender breastfeeding.

He has been writing about his struggle with the LLLC on his own blog at Milk Junkies. He is currently asking people to write to the LLLC about them needing to change their rules. Hopefully he will get enough support to push this much needed change through! Visit his blog and help out!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

At last....

Were finally semi-setlled into the new house and I LOVE it! We still are unpacking, mostly items from our storage unit which is about 30 miles away so it is slow going. I have yet to set up an "official" writing area for myself so I am posting this from my kitchen table while watching it rain through my awesome bay windows! Having a new home is my dream. A place where I can raise my kids, and have roots. It's an awesome feeling. I have big plans for our yard and repainting in a few years. Sometimes I still feel stunned that we actually managed to pull this off. I will be folding clothes and it will hit me that I just washed and dryed clothes in MY machines and I am folding clothes in MY living room. It seems surreal to be honest. I am so proud of my home and of my husband. He made this possiable! He is my favorite person at the moment. I regret not posting as much as I wanted to, but a new house means a new routine to settle into. My boys are going to new schools, which means adapting to a new community's rythem and flow. So far things are going smoothly except for last Monday when I had to pick up my middle child from school early because he ran into a door and needed stitches. His first stitches! He got three on his right eyebrow. He was paniced of course, but he did really well. Minus the yelling he held very still and let the doctor do the procedure. He is such a trooper! So life for us is moving on. We have had issues as far as employment is concerned, but really who is not? Things are finally looking up for us, and hopefully some of the pressure will be relieved. The stress of making the house payment plus the other bills can be overwhelming. While all of this is running circles in my head my youngest baby is finally walking at 16 months! It is thrilling watching him take his first solo steps that reminds me of Frankenstein walking. If your wondering if I was concerned about him taking so long to walk I was not. Why should he walk when he has me, dad and two brothers to carry him around? Plus crawling is faster. His walking may be delayed, but his mouth is not. He talks all day, and sings, and yells. He is very vocal! I finally have decieced that it is time to begin writing again so I can once more have a purpose in life other than child related goals. When I was taking my "moving" break I did feel a bit lost, almost like was floating free with no connections. I envisioned myself as a bit of dandelion fluff lost in the wind. I do feel better since I have started thinking about my plot lines again, and of course what to post! Now to get myself to the storage unit to drag out my desk and my books. I do miss my books..