Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday, Friday, Friday!

Happy Friday! This week has been crazy! I hope that you all remembered to tell a writer that you support and love them. It's Writer's Appreciation Week!

As everyone knows this weekend is Labor Day, I will be taking a Holiday week off! I will not be posting again until Monday the 14th. Yeah! Well, not really a holiday week, I will be working on my manuscript while sitting on a lovely deck. Remember not to drink and drive and DO NOT dive head first into the shallow end of a pool.

(Click on the photo to enlarge)

A small tid bit of weird news this week, Veterinarians at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum successfully separated conjoined rattlesnakes, saving the life of one of the diamondbacks, who'd been joined to his twin at the neck.

"We have every reason to believe that it wasn't the surgery that caused one of them to die," Craig Ivanyi, the museum's associate executive director for living collections, told AOL News.
"The one who died was the weaker of the two. He was being dragged around by his twin, and it was harder for him to recuperate."

Ivanyi says the conjoined rattlers were unlike anything he'd seen in his 25 years at the museum. They were found three weeks ago at a construction site north of Tucson and brought to the museum.
"It's unlikely they would have survived if left in the wild," Ivanyi said. "They'd be easily picked off by a predator."
Luckily, Dr. Jim Jarchow, a veterinarian who works with the museum, had experience separating conjoined tortoises.

I can see how special these snakes are with their two heads and all, but still they are VENOMOUS snakes that are a dime a dozen. I think that if I had of found these snakes I would not of called a vet but I would of fetched something to hack off two heads at once. Talking about killing two snakes with one stone.

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