Monday, September 14, 2009

Revision, revision

I would say that my week off was a week of perfection, but it wasn't. It was a week of me working all hours of the day and night on my book. For those that don't know, I have written a book in a moment of weakness. It is a young adult fantasy fiction, and I am in the process of editing it and making a few revisions. I know that it will never be perfect, but hey I am giving it my best shot.

The revision process is grueling. The process tests you in ways you never expected. It makes your eyes hurt from staring at a screen for hours everyday, your shoulders hurt from the weight of the knowledge that you are ripping your baby apart. It makes you wonder if you should use a semi-colon, a period or some other means of punctuation. It makes you doubt yourself, your skill as a writer, and your work. Revision and editing is hell to put it simply.

There is a few simple things to help you get through this process with some measure of sanity intact, and perhaps a tiny sliver of your soul.

First thing to do is to READ your book. I know that you wrote it, and you have every single line memorized, but still read it. While you read it, on paper, highlight sections that you are not satisfied with. Also make notes in a notebook for things that you want to change and alter. Simple.

I take things step by step. A chapter a day. Go slow. If you feel rushed your work will reflect that. Take your time and SAVOR the process.

After you have a couple of chapters knocked out make yourself a deadline and mark it on your candler with a big red stinky marker. This deadline is your goal, but give yourself plenty of time. Remember DO NOT RUSH!

Part two entering your changes. Start simple, set a number of pages a day you need to complete. I try to do 30 pages a day. I work only Tuesday-Thursdays. Monday's and Friday's are too crazy for me to be able to get any PRODUCTIVE work done. Set a schedule, stick to it, and make sure it works with your everyday life. The important thing for me is that I have a flexible work place. Yep I said Flexible. That means I can work outside on my deck, at my kitchen table, on my bed, at my desk or even in my car. That is important.

If you tell yourself, "I can only work at my desk, but my kids are up and are playing outside. I guess I can't work." Wrong!! Take it with you! I love watching my boys play and I am more than willing to give them a push on the swing while I work a sentence over in my head.

The most important thing to remember is that life happens!! If you are feeling stressed and overloaded take a few days off. It won't kill you or your manuscript. When you are feeling better make sure that you are back on your work schedule. If you need to go to an event take a break. Your book will be waiting for you when you return like the best friend it is.

The second most important thing to keep in mind is that YOU CAN DO THIS! It's your book, your world that you have created! You can make ANYTHING happen. You need a purple tree in a green sunset go for it! It's yours make it happen! Don't give up and keep your confidence up.

Once you have your revision done print it out and read it again. If you need to go through the process again you can. Rome was not built in a day, and neither will your book. The best things in life don't come easy.

The life of a writer is never easy, and it can be lonely, but it doesn't have to be. Remember to keep in contact with your support (i.e. family and friends, and other writers that you have met). If you need something uplifting read my blog! If you are having a low day, remember it is just one day and it will pass. You can do this it's just words on paper.

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