Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Contest 2009


Today is Hump Day! To take the hump out of your week I am here to announce that The Feathered Quill will be having a HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST! The contest officially begins TODAY SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 and ends on FRIDAY NOVEMBER 6, 2009!

TO ENTER: Send a photo of yourself in your Halloween Best to me at rubyself@aol.com in JPEG format and include your name, address, contact phone number and your e-mail address with your photo. This information is for contest use only, I will not spam you.

First Place will receive a $25.00 gift cerifticate to SIMPLYAUDIO.COM, second place will receive a copy of DAN BROWN'S "The Lost Symbol", and one winner will be chosen randomly to win a $15.00 itunes gift card.
The winners will be contacted by me R.J. Self when they are drawn. I will mail the prizes to the winner in the month of November and the winner will be drawn on NOVEMBER 7 2009.

NO NUDITY! A selection of the entries will be posted to my blog as well as the winning entries, by entering the contest you agree to have your photo posted. Only one prize per person. If multiple people are in the photo you will have to share the prize, one prize per place awarded. Entries without contact information included will not be entered in the contest, they will be discarded. Everyone is welcome to enter, the photo's can be in black in white, but this contest is for BEST COSTUME it will not be judged based on the photographer's skill.

If you have a question please contact me at rubyself@aol.com or leave a comment on my blog.

I look forward to seeing all the photo's and I will re post this blog post EVERY TUESDAY for those that need the entry information. May the best costume win!!!!

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