Thursday, November 5, 2009

I Survived!

I have survived my parent teacher conference with my pride still in tact. Actually I simply adore my pre-k teacher, I would hang out with her all the time if I could. To put it simply she rocks. I hope your parent teacher conference went as well as mine did.

I thought I would post an update about me, well my book actually. I have finished typing it and editing! I survived that also, it has been a day full of miracles. I am still not done with it, but I am so very close. Really all I have left to do is to polish it, which means I have to read it and make sure there are no typos marring my masterpiece. I have almost drove myself insane over the details, I do sweat the small stuff when it comes to my work, and almost drug my wonderful husband insane with me. I bet he is wondering how many times I can possible wake him up at 2 AM asking him about a phrase or an idea. I am so very close to being finished that I can almost taste it.

Now I know that all of you writers out there are fighting with your own characters to behave and to follow what you want. The best advice I can offer is if you are not satisfied with your work re-do it, and re-do it until you are happy with it. I re-wrote chapter 22 fifteen times, and I am still not entirely sure if I am satisfied with it. I know that the entire process is frustrating and can in fact drive you to hate all writing apparatus for the rest of your life, but you can do this! It's your mind, your paper, your words. Simply let your words bloom, envision your paper as a garden with rich fertile soil and your words are the seeds. Plant your seeds with care, love and joy and watch them sprout into something that will be a thing of wonder and beauty. When your "flowers" bloom you will be surprised to see how they have formed paragraphs and chapters that will cause awe to fill you. You will have a work to be proud of, a work that will scream your brilliance.

Happy writing, and Happy Friday!

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