Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Vetrans Day!

First up, HAPPY VETERANS DAY!! Today make sure that you say thank you to someone that has or is serving our country.

Second Christmas is right around the corner. I checked and we have 6 Fridays till Christmas! I know that everyone has that certain someone in their lives that is impossible to shop for, I am myself am one of those people. Being that I am hard to shop for I wondered if all writers are hard to shop for at Christmas. It's a delicate balance of spending your money well, meaning purchasing something of quality,getting something that he/she will adore and of course the price has to be affordable. Yeah, if I had a million dollars I wouldn't worry about the holiday season. I'd just throw a wad of cash at my beloved family members, but since I don't and a majority of people don't I am here to give you some ideas for the writer in your life.

Office supplies. No joke, I have an office supplies addiction. Put me in Office Depot with a blank check and I will get the shakes. Does your writer go through ink pens like mad? If so ask what their favorite brand is and buy a large box and gift wrap it. Do they buy index cards in bulk? If so buy them so spiffy multi-colored ones or a note card bleacher.
(cubi leather drawers $74.00 from Are they unorganized? If so think about gifting them some organizational aides such as a spinning organizer, labels, a file folder box that can be easily personalized. Or if your a true friend you could hire them an assistant to mail off all of those pesky query letters and help them be organized. Trust me, your writer friend will love you. My desk currently looks like a paper factory puked on it, and it's no body's fault but my own.

Is your writer a traveler? Does he/she have a hideous bag they tote everywhere that went out of style 10 years ago, and is tattered and looks like it has been on several expeditions to the Amazon and back? Or do they just carry everything loose like in High School (Cause they are too cool for a bag, duh.)?

(the bag in the photo can be found at, rust is the color and it is by BedStu for $89.90)If so a bag is the solution! I adore messenger bags with lots of pockets and that is all weather proof. I have a red and black one that has been through hell (I even took it to the beach several times and it still looks good) and it has lasted. There are several grown-up adult bags out there in heaps of different designs and made out of a whole slew of materials from leather, canvas, hemp, there are even some green options.

Are they a laptop writer? If they are they might not be satisfied with their laptop bag. I'm not. I hate it because the only thing I can fit in it is my laptop. Lord help me if I want to carry a notebook with me or even try to jam my cell phone in with it. I love the fact that it's all weather proof and shock proof (meaning if I drop it the contents of the bag will survive the fall). but that's about all the good points it has.

I have found a wonderfully spiffy laptop case that I wantand I'm sure that special person in your life would enjoy. It's perfect for the traveling laptop addict/writer. It's by "Levenger" it's a laptop case that is light and it holds your laptop, plus cds/dvds, it even has a mesh zipper pocket that will hold a flash drive, a power cord, and has 3 zip pockets on the outside! It also has an option for backpack straps to be attached! It's waterproof/shock proof and comes in 5 different colors. It can be found on

Has your writer fallen on hard times and still hasn't gotten that website up and running yet? Well, there are all sorts of web hosting sites out there(go daddy go is one of them). Check out their prices and give them a gift card for a year of web hosting. Then your receiver can go on-line and set it up without having to worry about the bill. They get their face out there and you helped. Hey, it might get you mentioned in the acknowledgement section of their book when they are published.

I hope that these gift ideas have gotten your shopping juices flowing. I know mine is, but I seriously doubt if my husband and kids will be thrilled if I spent all of our Christmas money on office supplies. That would be so good for me, but would suck for them. If you have an idea for a gift for a writer post it in a comment, I would love to hear any that are not mentioned above.


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