Monday, September 10, 2012


I know that one of most difficult things as a writer is actually making time to write. That's right, actually sitting down and doing it. I know that life still carries on. I am the worst at making excuses for NOT writing. "the kids have...." "I have to go get groceries today..." "The kitchen floor needs to be scrubbed..." I am an endless font of excuses.

So my excuses line up like good little soilders ready for war while my book lays moldering away thinking it's forgotten while I am digging through box after box looking for "that" candle holder Aunt Margret gave us when we got married 12 years ago that I haven't seen since we got married. "It would match the new couch perfectly!!" (insert my husband's eye roll here)

To all of us that have heaps of excuses quit cleaning your house and doing pointless errands and work on that book! Crack out those index cards and binders full of notes and put them to work! Clearly we are needed! Have you seen the new books being offered here lately?? Most are sad things that should be avoided if you want to keep all of your brain cells. Which is worse for a person; An awful book or a bong hit? I'm going with a badly written book.

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