Sunday, September 2, 2012

A kindle run down

Well, I have downloaded the second book in the Hunger Games series thanks to Prime lending library on my Knindle. I have yet to really dig in and begin, but I am excited! I love new books that can INSPIRE a person to really amp up their own lives.

How can a fiction book do that you say? Through the writer's voice you can be inspired to be grateful for what you have in life. You may not have much, but it usually is a lot better than what most of the characters are living through and with. Could you imagine living like Katniss on grain and oil rations? Or watching the people you love die from the elements, hunger or a cold a simple antibotic could cure? That is harsh to say the least. So be thankful you can simply pop into the local store and buy some wound ointment and that we have vaccines readily avaiable.

Now to chat about the Amazon Kindle. I love my kindle, but it is a few years old and maybe in another few years I will upgrade to a kindle fire or whatever will be out. Still though they are not as popular as one would think. They are not in everyone's hands and purses. Including myself I know 5 people that have one, that is including my OBGYN and his nurse.

For those out there that are living in a cave let me explain it. The Kindle is fantasic. It is a easy way to purchase books, e-books or digital books, by downloading them from Other book stores have their own versions like the Nook that works the same way just for their store though I believe. I like the Kindle because I can get a free book a month through their Amazon Prime program if the book is a "Prime" book. The Amazon Prime costs $79 a year and has heaps of advantages like free shipping on merch and sometimes discounted Prime Prices on items! Plus they have FREE books and short stories that are mostly self published, but sometimes an established writer will have a freebie peroid if they are launching a new book! Also another perk is that you get your book instantly, no small talk with a teenager while being checked out, and the DIGITAL list price is often much cheaper than hardcopy list prices! Enough of me sounding like a Amazon commerical.

The glory of an e-reader is that you can carry with you hundreds of books, games, magizines and heaps of other goodies in one small device! Even audio books! (it does have a headphone jack)You can download the Kindle App for FREE onto any phone, ipad or whatever you have, but it's not the full on experiance. The best part is the built in dictonary and notepad! I can makes notes and save them for later which is awesome, and you can highlight text and save it! Perfect!The dictonary rocks because I can look up an unknown word and then hop right back into my book with the simple press of the back key!

I cannot tell you how many times my Knindle has saved me from going crazy waiting in doctors offices without me displaying to the entire room that I am reading a romance novel or playing a game. I really don't need the chatty Cathy sitting next to me ruining the plot because she already read it. My boys love it too. Yep I dare to let kids touch my kindle. I know I'm a risk taker, but I do have really good insurance on it.

In short if you like FREE and DISCOUNTED books the kindle is the way to go. There are literarly millions of things to read and check out. A book lovers dream come true. But there are downsides to it. Hard copy books are being less available in mass markets like in big box stores. Think back to when the book aisle at Walmart was huge, now your lucky if you get a wall. And of course this hurts the small book shops like mom and pop stores because they simply cannot compete with a huge supplier like Amazon. Which can make the dreams of owning a book store simply impossible in most cities unless it's mixed with a coffee shop. Books will live on and continue to be published and purchased, but the industry is changing.

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