Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Today is the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Of course leading up to this day there has been heaps of programs on the T.V.and articles in the papers to remind us all of that tragic day.

I remember where I was at when it happened. I had a 3 week old baby boy (my first born) and I was nursing him while watching our small 11 inch T.V. in our bedroom when the "breaking news" took over. It took a moment for what I was seeing to sink in. They were showing the demise of thousands of people on live T.V. It was like watching a war zone; I could not absorb all of the content. I was stunned, shocked and overwhelmed.

I live in Tennessee which of course is no where near New York or any of the other sites, but I remember my heart being lodged in my throat for all of those people that were involved. I knew that I wanted to help those in need, that while we didn't have much I would gladly give what I had to those that needed it. The local churches of course started to donation drives for clothing, non-perishable food, bottled water, first aide supplies, money and volenteers to go to "Ground Zero" to help. I wanted to go help, but I was still recovering from having a baby and so me and my husband opted to donate. We gave clothes, blankets, towels, food, and money. Understand at that time he was working at Wal-mart not making very much money. Things were tight for us, but still we gave.

The non-stop media coverage horrified me. All the dust, smoke, and debris from the twin towers seemed like it was from another planet. Then the news of the brave ones on the third plane came out and my heart broke again for those families. Their actions were simply stunning. Such breathtaking bravery shown by people I might of sat next to at the coffee shop, or stood in line behind at the store.

I remember the terror of that day and for the months that followed. The rumors that spread like wildfire and of course the non-stop media coverage. I remember them telling people to not call looking for loved ones because the phone systems were simply bogged down and were failing. The unknown was the terror of that day and the days that followed. Who knew if that was the only set of attacks? Who could tell us why they did this? Still most of the answers we sought of the attack were not given, but at least the families were able to get a small amount of closure.

Yes, all of this was tragic, but it also showed to us,as a country, what we had forgotten over the years. That we are strong, that we are truly one country united. I did not know any of those that suffered a loss on that day personally, yet I gave. I have never been to New York or any of the other sites, and still I gave. Why? Because they were in need. That is such a simple answer. I have NEVER turned anyone away that I could help. Nobody ever leaves my home hungry or thirsty. If you are in need simply ask and you shall be blessed. Why should distance affect their cause? We are all human and know how it feels to be hurt or sad or in need.

I know how easily things are forgotten in this fast paced media driven age. One moment we are watching Kitten videos and the next posting about our lastest and greatest whatever on Facebook. To honor those that were affected by the 9/11 attack we need to simply remember! My children were either too young to remember it or wasn't even born so it is up to us the parents to tell them! The schools will only do so much! Do you want your children to learn of this from a bland text book or do you want to tell them your 9/11 story so that they can know that part of their family history.

It was an ugly day, but it was a day we lived through and we should remember our fallen unsung heros who risked so much. Simply Remember.

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