Monday, December 21, 2009

A hard lesson learned

I have been thinking about all the good things that came with 2009. Somethings that came out in the open were more like a "WTF?"moment. I had several of them this year where you just stare at the PC screen with your mouth agape wondering why now of all the moments in the world did this have to happen now. But for me mostly the year is not just about those crazy moments where the media caused me to scratch my head and wonder about the sanity of myself and those around me, but I have learned a lot this year.

In writing this year I have had my eyes opened. In some ways it does mean in some aspects of the industry I have become jaded and just as cold as Mr.Scrooge. It was not even that I was asking for a heap of stuff from this person, but I was simply accepting was what was being extended to me. Then to have that pretty much shoved back into my face for several reasons did hurt, given it was over a period of several months, so it was a group or a gaggle of small hurts that turned into one nasty monster of pain and a pinch of anger and a scoop of disappointment.

I have learned from that experience to NEVER really trust anyone. That is their opinion, what they are seeing from their eyes; If they are not of importance in your life, in your views and in your plan for becoming accomplished don't take anything they say to be of any amount of worth. Simply nod, smile and say thank you for their praise. Make a note of it for when your having a blue moment, but in reality those kind words lead well into nothing. Space really, a void of nothingness.

I know that sounds awful especially for this time of year, but that is the truth. There is nothing anyone, whether they are published or not, can do for you other than try to change all those wonderful words you have composed or try to change who you are as a writer. I know that as writers we are full of self doubt and all it takes it one person saying one little thing for us to go back and rip out chapters upon chapters and try to change not only how we write by why we write.

If you feel like there is something that needs to be altered in any way make sure that it is a change that you WANT, not because someone "suggested" you change this or that. All I am saying to you my lovely reader is that if you are happy with what is on the page then it is perfection. If you have read it and re-read it and your are satisfied with your product keep it. Don't change a thing. Be confident in yourself, in your skill and in your product. That is what really matters. If you love it someone else will too and they will not ask you to re-write a single word or try change who you are as a writer.

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