Wednesday, December 30, 2009

RePost! How to Subscribe to this blog!

Happy New Year!! This is a repost due to me being on vacation and hopefully celebrating the New Year like a manic!

I had a question asked by Kelli via my GUESTBOOK, and it is a wonderful question. How do I subscribe?

That is easy! On the left side of my page you have two options!

One is to become a "FOLLOWER", this option allows you to use your Google account or another account to keep track of your favorite blogs, I actually use this feature myself for several blogs. This option allows you to sign in under your google account and allows you to leave comments on the blogs you are a fan of, this is easier for me.

The second option is a new addition to my blog. You can now subscribe via a feeder. This allows you to add a feed to your most used homepage like MY AOL. Just click on the orange icon on the top of the left side of page that says "SUBSCRIBE TO THIS BLOG". It will pop up a page that has some of my most recent posts on it and on the top right side it gives you multiple options to add a feed of my blog to. Choose which one you use and it will say subscribe with MY AOL for example, then click on it. It will pop up your page and may ask for your log in info. Then it's done! Simple, and easy.

Kelli, I hope that answered your question! If you have a question feel free to leave it as a comment in the post it is referencing, or you can leave it in my guest book which is located at the bottom of my blog or you can e-mail me at Thanks for reading!

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