Friday, December 25, 2009

REPOST! Confrences and Workshops

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! This is a repost well beacuse I am busy celebrating and hopefully over-induling in my mother's homemade burbon balls! Since the new year means that the season for workshops and confrences will soon be here I thought this would be a lovely re-post to do. Also I will not be posting any new postings until the 6th of January! I am going on VACATION, so enjoy the hoilday season and of course all of those wonderful family activites.

I know that writing can be a lonely occupation, but it doesn't have to be. One of the greatest tools (and distraction) for an author is the Internet. We can contact other author's and aspiring writers through on-line writer's groups, and check out other people's blogs. One of my favorite blogs to read is Nathan Bransford's, not only is it informational but you get to see the publishing world through an agent's eyes.

Outside of the world wide web there are slews of workshops, book clubs, classes, seminars, and conventions. I know in mid-state TN in the next four months there are at least 4 different events happening this summer and fall. 1 seminar, 2 conventions, and a few workshops. Now keep in mind these types of events require a bit of fundage and of course registration. If you live in the middle TN area one of the best organizations that offers these types of events with a reasonable cost is the Council for the Written Word, they are based in Franklin TN. They are hosting a seminar/workshop in the fall. Their website is:

What to do if you are interested in a workshop. Workshops are fun, and are supposed to be relaxing, there is no need to work yourself into a tizzy. Breathe!

First thing to do is to find out their registration deadline is, then mail in your information or submit it on-line if that option is available. Next is check what type of materials you will need. I attended a workshop in march and the guest speaker was Susan Gregg Gilmore and it was recommended we read her book before hand and to bring it with us. Which I did, (it was a good read!) and surprisingly she even signed the book for me. It was also recommended that we bring our own writing tools(pen, paper, ect.) A must for attending any conference, workshop, or any event is to make sure you know the TIME and PLACE of the events. Most workshops have a pre-event get together usually at a book store the night before. Check your information, and if it seems unclear ask them about it. I assure you that they will not bite.

If you are feeling a bit shy about going to a workshop all willy-nilley and meeting new people take a friend with you. I asked a friend to go with me in March and she benefited from it also since she is in college and is taking creative writing courses. I have learned that jeans and a comfy shirt is okay apparel to wear. Wear what ever you are comfy in, (not pj's though, make sure you do look professional)especially if your going to be sitting for long periods of time. But as always check the event listing, a ballroom party might not be a good function to wear jeans to unless it's themed.

So in short, relax and enjoy the function. Don't worry the other author's at the event, they are people just like you, and are possibly more nervous than you are. Enjoy the fall and summer workshop season.

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