Monday, December 28, 2009


Repost! I am still on Vacation!
I know that if your like me you love to curl up with a good book on rainy days. There is nothing better that I like to do than cuddle up in a blanket on the couch and read with the house quiet. It's a rare moment when my house is quiet. The thing for me lately is that the selection of books in my local area are not quite up to snuff, they suck actually. If I wanted to read every version of a cup of soup for the Soul I would be set, or if I wanted to simply read crafting magizines. But I don't, I crave something thick with plot and characters that fly off the page. So I am bound to reading old favorites or hitting the library in the hopes that they have something decent.

Its somewhat frustrating really. I am a collector of books, I love the way they smell, the feel of their wieght in my hands, and the sounds of pages turning. I am addicted to simply put it. In order to broaden my selections a select group of my friends and I swap books. Yep, we collect five or six books, put book covers on them with the title and our name and we swap. They all get retuned to the owner once a month when we swap again. It saves me money, trust me I could easily blow a wad of cash on books, and I get to see my friends and have an excuse to get out of the house that does not involve me spending money.

My husband is relieved that I do this. I once walked into a Barnes and Noble and dropped nearly $300 on books in less than fifteen minutes. I thought he was going to have a stroke. Swapping is kid friendsly and also allows my kids to see their friends. It's kind of like a play date. It's a win-win really.

So as the hoildays approach and we must tighten our belts even more I highly recommend this. If you and your friends are addicts of other media, like Video Games or DVDs try swapping them. I know I was surprised with what selections my friends and family had that I didn't.

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