Monday, July 27, 2009

Abridged VS Unabridged

Last week I posted that Barns and Noble was launching e-books, for more info on that check out that post, I have found that quite a few e-books and audio books are abridged. The defintion of "Abridged" is: (from

a⋅bridge  /əˈbrɪdʒ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [uh-brij] Show IPA
Use abridged in a Sentence
–verb (used with object), a⋅bridged, a⋅bridg⋅ing. 1. to shorten by omissions while retaining the basic contents: to abridge a reference book.
2. to reduce or lessen in duration, scope, authority, etc.; diminish; curtail: to abridge a visit; to abridge one's freedom.
3. to deprive; cut off.

1350–1400; ME abreggen, abriggen < MF abreg(i)er < LL abbreviāre to shorten. See a- 4 , abbreviate

Related forms:

a⋅bridg⋅a⋅ble, a⋅bridge⋅a⋅ble, adjective
a⋅bridg⋅er, noun

1. cut down; epitomize; condense, abstract, digest. See shorten. 2. contract, reduce. 3. divest.

I know that me personally will not purchase abridged books, eBook, audio or otherwise. I feel that if I am paying for the WHOLE book they should be able to provide the book in it's entirity. They may "omit" sections that they feel is unneeded, but actually they may make better the book for the reader. The author thought those details were important enough to include in the published work, that it gave the work some kind of boost in one direction or another. What gives the eBook publisher and audio book maker the right to take away from the audience, i.e. the consumer, the person or persons that keep the buissness in fact a buissness.

I have been reading Dan Simmons "Drood", it is a thrilling tale about Charles Dickens. It's has a twisting plot and enough mystery elements in it to make me wonder what will happen. I was trying to explain the book to my husband without throwing out any spoilers the other night and he said he would love to read it. The downside to the book is that is a large book. He would never find the time to readit. He is always on the look out for a new audio book, and "Drood" is abridged. Yuck. Unless they release an unabridged verison of it the audio book verison will never be included in our listening library saddly.

So in closing I am curious if other people buy only abridged works or unabridged titles? Does the title being abridged affect you purchasing it? Leave me a comment, I love to hear from my readers!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mozart Sandwich

Happy Friday!! Yep, the weekend is almost here at last. I am eager to spend some time with my family. I am savouring the last bit of summer break. I know that as a parent it is my duty to ensure that my boys love going to school, and that they get a proper education, yada, yada, yada. I fulfil my parental job requirements with tact and some happiness. I love hearing about their day when they come home. It's small moments when they look at me and smile right before they say how much they enjoyed the sandwich I packed in their lunch box because it was shaped like a race car. I realize that soon that my oldest will be too old to have dino and jack-o-lantern sandwiches. Well, packed in his lunch box anyway. Kids are cruel in the worst way.

In my reading of the news I have came across a spiffy article that got me excited. And I mean excited. On Thursday, as in yesterday, the International Mozarteum foundation said in very brief e-mail statement that they have DISCOVERED two NEW works composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. They are previously unknown works that are piano pieces composed when he was young.

These compositions have been in the foundation's possession for a while and they have recently discovered who the composer was. They are refusing to release anymore information on the two newly found works until August 2, 2009. The foundation has been around since 1880 and they seek to preserve Mozart's hertiage, and music.

This is HUGE for me. I am a avid lover of classical music, I grew up listening and playing classical music at home. I have even introduced my children to the genre of music. They listen to it every night when they go to bed. I feel that classical music is a dying genre, like a dead language, it is fading slowly. It's mostly used as background music in movies, and what is sad is that most people cannot tell the difference of Mozart from Chopin. That is sad. That is like saying people cannot tell the musical talents of Usher from Elvis. Public schools do not educate our children on the music that made music what it is today.

Classical music is awe inspiring. Some people think that it is nothing, that it is easy to compose music, some say it is easier than learning to read or write. To those people I have one question, Where is your composition?? Trust me composing is not easy matter. When Mozart was composing he did not have any technology other than the instruments, quill and paper, and a metronome. Could you compose what he did minus today's technology? Keep in mind he was doing this at the age of 5 years old. I seriously doubt it. That is why he was one of the best.

Now that I'm done ranting, I hope everyone has a great weekend, and a safe weekend! Remember to buckle up and not to run with scissors. It's all fun and games till someone looses an eye.

This video is from the movie AMADEUS, which came out in 1984. It is one of my all time favorite movies. This is the aria of the Night Queen from the Magic Flute, she is commanding her armies to slaughter her enemies. It's so beautiful one just doesn't think of bloodshed. It was composed in 1791, and it was one of his most popular opera's. In November of 1792 it celebrated it's 100th performance. That was outstanding then. Most opera's were considered successful if they were performed 3 times with a somewhat full audience. If you enjoy drama, guilt, vengeance, love and music see this movie. rent, borrow, and beg. It's worth it. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Who got a Book Deal???

This is a new segment called Who got a Book Deal??? This week's book deal has left me shaking my head a bit in a sad way.

Former Miss California Carrie Prejean has signed to do a book for conservative publisher Regnery called Still Standing. The title is scheduled for November 2009. This bit of news came out on the 20th.

The book is a tell all about the pageant, why she answered Prez Hilton's question the way she did and what led to her (in her point of view) loosing her crown to the runner up. This is a book that I feel does not need to be published.

I believe that Carrie Prejean has done enough damage without the aide of a memoir. Then again the book may be able to provide hours of entertainment. If your wondering what I think about gay marriage, I say we let them get married. They have just as much of right to lead a life that they enjoy and if that means marriage so be it. Everyone has the right to a family. That's all these people want, to be able to make their own way in the world and to have a family. I wonder how Ms. Prejean would feel if someone told her that she could never marry and have the family that she dreamed about? I bet we would find out in a book.

In other news Barnes & Noble made its long awaited entrance into the e-book market with an announcement late Monday afternoon of the launch of the Barnes & Noble eBookstore ( In direct contrast to the closed Kindle system from Amazon, B&N’s e-bookstore will carry e-books that can be read on a wide variety of platforms. B&N will offer 700,000 titles at launch, with “many” new releases and bestsellers priced at $9.99, according to William Lynch, president of The total includes 500,000 public domain titles from Google which can be downloaded for free. B&N added that it expects to have more than 1 million titles available within the next year, “inclusive of every available eBook from every book publisher and every available eBook original.”

The eBookstore will support the ePub standard in what Lynch called an "every device strategy." (In addition to the Kindle, the store will not be compatible with the Sony eReader). The eBookstore will feature Fictionwise's eReader application which supports both wireless and wired access to the store for such devices as the iPhone and iPod Touch. B&N acquired Fictionwise earlier this year.

I know like a lot of people out there have been waiting to see which seller would go face to face with for eBooks. I can't wait to see how well it takes off, and I am very excited that they will cater to more than device. I mean really who has the money to throw around for a new kindle? I know that I don't, but for those out there with the iPhone and iTouch this is some exciting stuff. I do wonder if the Barns and Noble membership will also apply for eBooks? I guess that will be a wait and see. I am a bit confused about the Sony eReader, I was actually thinking on getting one of them. If it's only compatible for I may not be getting one after all.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Harry Potter's Vincent Crabbe Charged

I know I said that I would post on Monday, which was yesterday, but I got caught up in doing mundane household chores. Thrilling, huh? I wish I could say that something super awesome happened, but the most exciting thing that happened was me catching up on some laundry. If your wondering how my boys oral surgery went, it went well! I was not completely thrilled with the care they received afterwards, but we made it through it.

A special Shout Out to Deana! Happy Birthday

Now on to some interesting stuff. The actor Jamie Waylett who plays Vincent Crabbe in the Harry Potter Films was sentenced to 120 hours of community service after he pleaded guilty to drug charges. What drug charges you say, well he was caught growing 10 marijuana plants at his mother's England residence. When did this happen? He was actually in court on July 7, 2009. He got off with a lesser sentence because the judge saw it as "small scale", and he was also dubbed to be of "good character". All I have to say is whatever!

I know that here in the states if I was caught growing 10 pot plants I'm sure that I would be stuck with the worst punishment the law could give. I would most likely be charged with the intent to sell, which would make my sentencing even more rigid. Why is it that the celebrities always seem to get off easy? I'm sure that the judge was not not thinking about Jamie Waylett being in the Harry Potter films at all. I'm sure in London all kinds of people get off with the most basic of sentences for growing pot. I mean it is kind of on the same side of earth as Amsterdam.

My question to you, does this change your view of the Cast of the Harry Potter films? Will you watch the next installment of the movies after this? I would love to hear your thoughts on this! Leave a comment please.

I'm a bit tired of the Harry Potter stuff. For years all we have heard about is Harry Potter. At first I was kind of excited, now I'm more like, "Oh, there's another Potter film." That's about the extent of it for me. That boat has sailed for me. I am hungry for something new that will blow me away. How about you?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Interesting news

Today so far has been a wonderful day. And I mean wonderful. I have obtained my renewed driver license this morning and I didn't get stopped by a single red light. I also managed to get me and my hunky husband breakfast while I was out. Oh, and my photo on my new licenses is awesome, I look good. I am hoping that the rest of the day says, "Gee R.J. is having a wonderful morning, so lets make the rest of her day rock out loud!". Unfortunately days can's speak so it leaves me wondering and hoping on some small level about the rest of my July 15th.

In the news today there is a report about 317 people skinny dipping for a world record. That is interesting! Could you imagine being a pool naked with 316 other people, most of whom are strangers? All I have to say is one word, "Wow!". For the full story and to see a short vid clip here's the link to the site:

Another piece of intriguing news is about a funeral home in South Carolina, the Cave Funeral Home and the owner Micheal Cave. There are always rumours about what actually goes on behind the closed doors of a funeral home, and many people have speculated what drives a person to want to be in the Death Business. Money of course is the a major moditvatior, and perhaps there is family pressure as in this case to continue the family tradition.

The state Funeral Board ordered the home shut down last month after Cave admitted his father, Charles Cave, used an electric saw to sever James Hines' legs at the calf because he wouldn't fit in the casket. ( He was 6 feet 7 inches tall). The elder Cave does not have the license needed to embalm a body, but helped with tasks around the home like dressing and cleaning bodies, his son told the board.

Rumors about Hines' suspected truncation started spreading through the town of 3,700 people about 75 miles southwest of Columbia not long after his death from skin cancer in October 2004. But confirmation came four years later when a fired employee, who was the only other worker in the room with Charles Cave when Hines' legs were cut, told the family what happened.
The state funeral board exhumed Hines' body and found the severed legs still in the casket. A criminal investigation also has been launched. A spokeswoman for prosecutor Duffie Stone didn't immediately return a message Tuesday.
Hines, 60, was an albino black man who had several modest hits in the 1970s as a soul and funk guitarist with J. Hines and the Boys. He became a preacher later in life.

This story is shameful! Desecration of a body, and he kept the secret until he was outted by an ex-employee who wanted a bit of revenge and a clear conscious. How would they feel it is was their loved one?

Tall people have as many problems as short people do. For example if a car/truck is too large I have trouble reaching the pedals, even with the seat adjusted. I can't reach the top cabinets in my kitchen, I have to have all of my jeans hemmed to fit me. Where I have issues most people don't. I don't know another person outside of my family that has to use a step stool to reach their crackers.

A tall friend of mine actually got a concussion from a ceiling fan, and he had actually removed the front seat of his car so he could fit in it. He drove while sitting in the back seat, it was a tiny car. Think 7 feet 2 inches in an escort. Not to mention all the weather jokes and people assuming he was skilled at basketball when he wasn't. People can be cruel, and this poor guy couldn't even defend himself and his family was unaware of it.

So next time think twice before you say something stupid or do something even worse. Would you want someone saying that to you? Or would you want someone doing that to you? Come on people, think! We were blessed with a brain and free-will for a reason. Lets put them to use!

*note for followers, I will not be posting on Thursday the 16th or Friday the 17th due to my children having dental work done. Please leave a comment and sign my guest book! I wish everyone a great rest of their week and a good weekend! I will post again on Monday!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

British Pamplet

Today has been a rough day for me. I am currently having issues with the TN DMV. Apparently a Social Security card and a Marriage Certificate does not mean I am a US citizen, or the fact that I have a Driver License. I am currently wishing a pox on the DMV lady.

I am intrigued by something I read on AOL. The British have published a sex education pamphlet that promotes pleasure in sex as well as making young adults and teenagers aware of STDS and HIV. The sex positive approach that is being used will hopefully encourage kids to put off being sexually active till they are ready to experience the pleasure that can come with sex. The pamphlet declares, "An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away," and questions why doctors don't commonly recommend "sex or masturbation twice a week" in addition to a healthy diet and physical activity.

In an online poll 55% of readers (on AOL) said that the pamphlet was inappropriate, leaving only 45% to say that it is appropriate.

I realize that many people are not open about sex and leave the sex education to the school system here in the states. I remember in the 5th grade going into a darkened classroom to watch an approved Sex ED video and being told not to wear a pad in the pool. The boys got to watch a video on volcanoes in the next room. Not fair huh?

As a parent of two small children I realize that sex is everywhere. I mean everywhere! Was it necessary in Spongbob the Movie to have Patrick wearing fishnets and heels? No. Did we need to see a lady on a trapeze topless wearing pasties in Coraline? NO. Did a transformer really need to have "balls"? No.

These are things that I have to guard my kids against. These are small incidents, but ones that are easily memorable to a child. I have told my boys the most basic information about their bodies for the moment. Things a child can handle and comprehend without overwhelming them or shocking them. They know all the proper names for their body parts and I am not ashamed when my 4 year old tells me his penis had a mind of it's own when he peed on his underwear by mistake. I am proud he said penis instead of some other slang term. I know some adults that can't say penis without blushing or stumbling over the word. (Penis, penis, penis, vagina, vagina, vagina!)

As a parent I realize that it is my RESPONSIBILITY to ensure that my boys are informed and are aware of their bodies and what can happen to it and what the consequences are of unprotected sex. I also it is my role to introduce them to the good side of sex. I don't want them to be scared stiff by myths and half-truths.

I didn't know anything about sex until I had it. There's always the stuff that your girlfriends tell you but that is mostly their impression of the act itself, which is not good a majority of the time. As soon as I realized that I was lacking in knowledge I began to ask questions and do research. That is something nobody should have to do when they have elders in their lives that can provide better and first hand knowledge.

Sex is not shameful. It is not. Sex is a natural act that we were designed to do. There are only two creatures on this earth that experiences pleasure during sex, that is us humans and dolphins. We SHOULD educate our young on the benefits of a healthy sex life, pass on tips and tricks and make them aware of the bad stuff as well. Introduce them to it in a calm and neutering environment and they will learn, and adapt to positive messages about sex .

I can't hardly wait for the day when me and my husband can tell our boys about the joys of sex and freedom that a marriage provides. It will be fun and will be a great memory. I want my boys to be able to ask me any question without embarrassment and shame. I say let the next sexual revolution begin! The sexual revolution of knowledge and education!

What are your thoughts on sexual education? Did you learn everything from your parents or from your own experiences? Would you want your child reading about sexual pleasures in a pamphlet from the government?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Rules for giving gifts to ladies

It seems that every body's birthday is coming up. I have noticed that guys don't have a clue about what girls like. This post is an insiders tip for the fella's. There are a few simple rulers for giving gifts to ladies.

Rule #1- Don't buy us stuff that you want, unless we have specifically told you we really want that skill Saw.

Rule #2- Listen! A lot of girls will mention items they want as gifts and things they want to do for our special day.

Rule #3- We like things to have special meanings. An example is that she told you what her favorite flower was 6 years ago and you remembered it! Show her by sending her a bouquet. Or she told you she loves emeralds more than diamonds. A nice pair of earrings will go a long way.

Rule #4- Don't give your gift in the store bag!!! Tacky!! That is so very tacky! You can wrap a gift or buy a gift bag. It's simple, and does not require manual labor that is intensive.

If you can't think of a gift that she has mentioned she wants think about what she enjoys. She is really into music? An itunes gift card is great, so is concert tickets. Is she in need of pampering? A gift card to a local spa is awesome. A girl sometimes needs a pedicure and a facial. Is she a shopper girl? A visa gift card is great too. That way she can go to all of her favorite shops with one card.

Okay fellas this is a big one for me, don't make her cook and clean on her special day!! If you are planning a party do it with style, and do it without her help! It's her day and she shouldn't been required to do dishes! Recruit people to help out if you are throwing a party. One person can do the dishes, one can do trash detail, another can help with food. Ask people to help out, many are more than willing to help out.

The last rule is the most important rule. Tell her that how much she means to you and how special she is, and of course tell her how beautiful she is!! It's her day and she is the goddess of the day!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Friends don't let Friends suffer Writers Block

Writer's block or Blocking the Writer as I call it can effect anyone, just not us professionals. It could happen to you as your jot down your grocery list or as your typing up a report for work. Friends don't let friends suffer from writer's block, so I am here to help you.

First thing to do is to change your location. Sitting on your couch? Move to the kitchen or bedroom. If you can go outside do it. Even if it's just for a break. Once in your new setting focus on a object. Anything will do, like a painting or a photo on the wall or a bird wheeling through the sky.

Observe the object of your focus. I mean really pay it some attention. Notice the smaller details. Maybe the painting has a small detail in a corner that you have over looked before, or it's frame has a chip. Absorb all the details of the object.

Now think about how you would describe that item/object to a friend. Lets say they call you and ask you to describe it to them in detail. If you need to write it down grab a pen a paper, but it's not necessary. All that matters is that your thinking in sentences. Do this for a few minutes or a hour. Take as long as you need.

Now take a breath and head back to your project. Think of all those great words you just used to describe your object. You can be creative! You can be descriptive! You have the power! Now write the hell out of your project that you were blocked on.

Usually this works for me if I am having issues with writing a scene. Sometimes even I can be at a loss of words. I mean really what can a person say after they discover their mom is a Elf, even though they have been raised up to believe they are human? I know I would be shocked silent. That only works for a paragraph or two in a book, then the character has to say something.

Change location, think of the scene then try the exercises list above. Instead of you suffering as a Blocked Writer you will be a Creative Writer.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Is your summer activity list running short?

Summer is slowly slipping away. Soon school will be starting again. I know that I am NOT ready for school to begin again. I enjoy the summer. It lets me enjoy my boys without having to force them to do homework or to go to bed at a "decent" hour.

Summer is a time for parents, it's the season when our kids are ours again. This means responsibility for continuing their education during the summer months. Yep education. That means keeping up with what they learned in school last year and reinforcing it so they don't forget.

The easiest thing is to simple read them a book. Children love to be read to, and if your like me and you have a child that can read on their own let them read you a story. One of the best times we have is sharing the funnies in the Sunday paper.

For some fun simple activities visit or They have printables, a.k.a coloring sheets that are free, free on-line games and ideas from celebrating a birthday to learning why which crayons are in our coloring box. Nick Jr. has pages featuring the Wonder Pets, Go Diego Go!, Olivia, to Moose. May the summer never be boring!

Also on these sites you can sign up for a free e-mail newsletter that they send out to tell you about special printables and activies they have available.

Sounds like fun to me! So break out the crayons and glue!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Questions and Answers

Today is ask an author day! Yep. First question I am normally asked is Tell me about your book. That's not really a question but more of a demand/request. But I will try.

Answer; My book is called Darkness in Karn. It is a three part series that follows a newbie king and his crew. They battle evil and are trying to preserve their way of life from extinction caused by the, um, darkness. It's a youth/young adult fantasy fiction.

Question: How long have you worked on it?

Answer: YEARS! No seriously years. I have had to create characters, back stories, landscapes, entire realms for this book. I even created several new species of evil creatures for it. It takes a lot to create a new world from nothing.

Question: Is it finished?

Answer: Yes, but I am currently in the editing stage. It's done and I also have 3 other works in progress.

Question; Is it based on anyone you know?

Answer: Actually yes. There are several friends of mine that are in it as characters and my family is in it also. My mom is an elf in it that is pretty awesome.

Question: Why did you decide to write?

Answer: I have always had a pen in my hand. I honestly cannot remember a time in my life where I did not have a story to tell or a poem to pen. I remember making a "newspaper" with my brother when I was 8 years old. The articles in it were mostly about my pony Midnight and our new kitten, but it was a newspaper all the same. Writing also gives me a creative release. I think I would go mad if I didn't have some way to express myself. There is only so many ways you can express yourself with macaroni art.

Question: Do you want to be published?

Answer: Yes!! Who doesn't? I would love for it to take off like Harry Potter, then I would happily retreat to my newly purchased mansion to celebrate. I would be happy to get published period. I want to leave something for my sons to be proud of in the future.

Question: Your book contains magical elements. Do you yourself believe in magic?

Answer: Yes I do! There is magical things happening all the time! You just have to see it that way. To me there is magic in my son's laughter, in the way the rain falls to the ground and the way the moon rises. You just have to open your eyes to see it all.

Question: Why did you write a fantasy book?

Answer: Well they tell you to write what you know. So I know fantasy, I grew up reading them and thinking "I can do this better!". So I did.

Question: When are you going to officially be finished with the first book?

Answer: Well to be honest a good story never ends for the writer. Every time I pick up the manuscript I think of something I could add to it or edit. It's a constant battle not to pick it up once I declare something is finished. It's my baby and I want to coddle it.

Question: Can I read it?

Answer: Yes when it's published!

I hope this answered a few questions that you might of had. If I didn't cover one that you wanted answered post it as a comment. I hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday weekend!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Biting Bug Week; how to treat bites and stings

Since this week is Biting Bug Week I am now posting First Aid tips and tricks. As a mother of two boys and an older sister I have come face to face with some weird injuries over the years. Most of these injuries were accompanied by a "You what? Why on Earth why would you try that?" Then of course they always say, "Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time." It always seems like a good idea at the time. Silly boys.

This is how I treat Bug bites. This works for mosquito bites, and fly bites.

First thing wash your hands!
The second thing I do I do is clean the wound. It doesn't matter if it's with soap and water or alcohol. Clean it. After it's clean pat the skin dry. Then feel the wound. Is the skin inflamed (the area will be red and often have swelling and may feel hot)? If it is inflamed apply some skin soothing cream like aloe or Benadryl. If there is massive swelling take a over the counter pain reliever and apply an ice pack. NEVER USE HEAT, OR ANY PRODUCT THAT CAUSES HEAT! (Heat will make it worse) Does the wound feel hot? If it does that is a sign of infection. Keep a VERY close eye on the wound. If the bite seems to grow larger (the inflammation spreads, muscle tissue around it becomes sensitive, any flu like symptoms) please see a doctor. These are all serious signs of infection.

NEVER SCRATCH the BITE. When you scratch you are opening the bite again, and you are introducing new bacteria to it.

If it itches apply an over the counter anti itch medication cream like Cortizone 10. If any allergic reactions happen (hives, sever itching, etc) take a Benadryl. Follow the directions on the packaging. You do not want to over do it on the Benadryl. I know from experience. If the the area is extremely inflamed or will not stop itching even after over the counter treatments have been applied use my BAKING SODA treatment that is listed blow under stings. (The baking soda treatment also works on stinging caterpillar wounds)

If it is a STING, like a wasp or bumble bee, check first to see if the stinger is in the wound. If it is remove gently with tweezers. (I always keep a pair of MEDICAL tweezers in my first aide box. They have a pointed tweezers end instead of flat one like the cosmetic tweezers). Make sure to place the stinger in a plastic bag or inside a paper towel so you cannot get stung again.

Clean the area with soap and water or alcohol. Pat dry. If you are allergic to wasps and bees please notify the person taking care of you. And make sure to tell them how allergic. Do you need an Effie pen? That is serious information that could save your life.

After the area is dry I apply a mixture of BAKING SODA and water. Baking Soda is a base and it draws out the acids from the sting, aka the venom. The mixture needs to be like a paste, I usually mix mine 4 parts of baking soda to 1 part water. (4 teaspoons of Baking Soda and 1 teaspoon of water) The water can be tap water, bottled water, distilled water. Any water will do as long as it is clean. (No puddle water please!) Apply the paste and let it dry! This can take anywhere from 10 minutes to a half an hour depending on how thick you apply the paste. This step can be repeated if needed.

If you have an active child and they are stung give them a pain reliever for the pain (I recommend children's Advil) and swelling, a dose of Benadryl and after you have applied the paste cover it with a band-aide. (Remember when treating children if you are calm they will be also. Distraction is worth a million, so get them talking about anything, barbies, monster trucks, fireworks. Whatever distracts them.)

After the paste has dried wash off with Luke warm water. The site of the sting should look normal, no swelling or inflammation. Apply some ointment and cover with a band-aide.

If you don't have Baking Soda on hand dampen a aspirin or Tylenol and apply it to the wound and cover with a band aide. This method takes a bit longer but it works. Leave on for 20 minutes then check the wound. It should have no signs of inflammation or swelling. Then treat like a normal wound with ointment and a covering.

Tick bites can be tricky. First of all you have to remove the tick. Seed ticks can be very difficult to remove due to their small size. I do not try to remove them with tweezers. That usually ends up with me missing the tick and pinching the skin instead. OUCH! I soak a q-tip or a cotton ball or a paper towel in a repellent that has a high content of DEET or with hand sanitizer. Rub the tick with the q-tip and in a few minutes it should fall off. ( I learned this from an R.N. when one of my boys had seed ticks in a "sensitive" area.)The DEET application in this manner is okay to use on children because it is only a small amount and you can wash it off afterwards.

If the tick an adult use a pair of Medical tweezers to pull the tick off. DO NOT PULL the the tick from the BOTTOM. Place your tweezers as close to the your skin as you can near the mouthparts. This way ensures that ALL of the tick comes off. If you pull the bottom of it the tick could splatter(Yuck!) and you could be introducing yourself to a whole slew of bacterica. If the mouth parts do not come out treat it as you would a splinter. Those mouth parts HAVE to come out. If left in it could lead to an infection. Save the tick in a plastic zip lock bag. This is in case you need it for a trip to the ER. (I know it sounds silly especially here in the south where ticks are plentiful, but it is recommended by ER's and doctors.)I always write the date and where the wound was on the bag. Apply some Cortizone or Benadryl cream for itch and it can have ointment applied with a bandage.

Also once the tick is in the bag leave it there. They can live for years without any food in conditions that can widely range from sub-Arctic(freezer) to tropic conditions. If you are worried about the tick living in the bag and your wound is healed put the bag in the microwave for a minute then throw it away.

Remember the quicker a tick is removed the better. (Some ticks infect a person with diseases in as a little as 24 hours)

Always clean the area of the tick bite. I Pefer to clean the bite before and after with alcohol. And remember to clean your tweezers before and afterward with alcohol or with a trip through the dishwasher.

Remember tick bites need to be watched carefully. If inflammation spreads, the wound doesn't seem to heal, or if you get flu like symptoms take your tick in the baggie and seek medical attention A.S.A.P. Also keep an eye out for a bulls-eye pattern around the tick bite. If this happens go to a professional quickly.

I have found that if you are second guessing yourself you are usually right. So if you are thinking the wound needs medical attention from a professional do not hesitate. If the wound is a SNAKE bite seek medical attention and use R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compression and evalation). You can also check out my VENOM WEEK posts for more info on species of snakes in TN.

I hope this week has been helpful. I know that I have learned a lot, and due to Saturday being the Fourth of July I will posy an extra Biting Bug Week post on Monday about Chiggers. They are Nasty little bugs. If you use my any of my methods and they work for you let me know. I love hearing about success stories. These are just tips and tricks and keep in mind that I am NOT a medical professional.

I wish everyone a Happy Fourth of July! Be safe! (For burns remember ALOE! Fireworks are fire!)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

This week has been about flies and ticks. I am currently looking up info on chiggers. So far they are nasty little critters. I think I will do a special post on staurday for them. There's more to chiggers than we ever knew. I have been thinking about what do post about next week. It's the fourth of July so I was thinking I'd so something fun.

I would like to know if my readers have any questions for me. Ask me anything. Think hard on your questions because I will answering questions on MONDAY! You can submit questions in a comment or you can e-mail them to me at

The questions can be anything from who do I like best on TRUE BLOOD, to my favorite type of cheese. This is a sharing day. I can't wait to see your questions.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Horse Fly

Horse Fly

Horse flies are often called forest flies and are often mistaken for deer flies. These flies are considered pests but they are one of worlds largest true species of fly. There are 3,000 species of Horse Flies in the world and 300 of them are found in North America.

Horse flies range in size from 3/4 to 1-1/4 inches long and usually have clear or solidly colored wings and brightly colored eyes. Attack by a few of these persistent flies can make outdoor work and recreation miserable. The numbers of flies and the intensity of their attack vary from year to year.

Numerous painful bites from large populations of these flies can reduce milk production from dairy and beef cattle and interfere with grazing of cattle and horses because animals under attack will bunch together. Animals may even injure themselves as they run to escape these flies. Blood loss can be significant. In a USDA Bulletin 1218, Webb and Wells estimated that horse flies would consume 1 cc of blood for their meal, and they calculated that 20 to 30 flies feeding for 6 hours would take 20 teaspoons. This would amount to one quart of blood in 10 days.

These flies apparently are attracted to such things as movement, shiny surfaces, carbon dioxide, and warmth. Once on a host, they use their knife-like mouthparts ( like Black Flies) to slice the skin and feed on the blood pool that is created. Bites can be very painful and there may be an allergic reaction to the salivary secretions released by the insects as they feed. The irritation and swelling from bites usually disappears in a day or so. However, secondary infections may occur when bites are scratched. General first aid-type skin creams may help to relieve the pain from bites. In rare instances, there may be allergic reactions involving hives and wheezing. Male flies feed on nectar and are of no consequence as animal pests.

A hunting female fly often waits patiently in shrubs at the edge of a forest, marsh, field, or roadside until a potential food source passes by. In the summer these flies can be seen in swarms on livestock, often around the eyes of the animal.

After eating, she lays her eggs on plants sticking up out of wetlands. When the larvae hatch, they fall into the water. Larvae live as predacious worms in the water where they live through winter. Pupae develop along the water’s edge in early summer. The adult stage lasts through much of June and July. Only one generation develops each year.

Horse flies carry tularemia and other diseases that can harm humans and other animals. (Tularemia, also known as “rabbit fever,” is a disease caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis. Tularemia is typically found in animals, especially rodents, rabbits, and hares. Tularemia is usually a rural disease and has been reported in all U.S. states except Hawaii.)

Deer Fly

Deer Fly!

Deer flies are often mistaken for Horse fly’s, but these flies do not get as large as Horse Flies do. Deer flies are also known as Yellow Flies. They usually have distinctive patterned yellow or green eyes. Deer flies can reach up to a 1 inch in length.

The female Deer fly feeds on blood while the male feeds on nectar. (I can see a pattern here. Can you?) She needs the blood for it’s protein so she can lay eggs. A farmer in KY reported last year that his cattle lost 100 lbs (per animal) from the disease Tabanids, which is transmitted by horse and deer flies. It is not uncommon to see as many as 100 flies feeding on an animal at one time. Twenty to thirty flies feeding for six hours are capable of taking 100 cc of blood. Deer flies track their “prey” by sight and movement and also carbon dioxide output.

Eggs mass has been found as early as May 5th and as late October 13th. Most have a year-long life cycle but some larger species may take two or three years. Adult life span is 30 to 60 days.

Eggs are laid in masses ranging from 100 to 1000 eggs. Eggs are laid in layers on a vertical surface such as overhanging foliage, projecting rocks, sticks and aquatic vegetation. Aquatic vegetation is most preferred. A shiny or chalky secretion, which aids in water protection, often covers eggs. The vertical surfaces on which the eggs are deposited are always directly over water and wet ground favorable to the development of larvae. The female will not deposit egg masses on vegetation that is too dense. Eggs are initially a creamy white color but soon darken to gray and black. Eggs are cylindrical in shape and measure from 1 to 2.5 mm in length. Eggs hatch in five to seven days, depending upon ambient weather conditions, and the larvae fall to the moist soil and water below.

Their bite is the same as the Black Fly and Horse Fly. The Deer fly uses a knife like mouth parts to inflict a wound then the fly licks it up. For humans the bite is often painful and itchy. Wearing long-sleeves and pants and using repellant can help in avoiding bites. For livestock there are traps available, but repellants seldom work.

Stable Fly and Biting Midges

(To enlarge any photo click on it)

Stable Fly!

Stable Fly is also known by a whole slew of names; barn fly, biting house fly, dog fly, or power mower fly. This fly is a blood licking fly also! (Big surprise there huh?)

The Stable Fly can be found outside when it is sunny, but will come inside homes durning bad weather.
Both male and female stable flies feed on blood and are persistent feeders that cause significant irritation to host animals. Adults are 1/4 to 1/3 inch long and resemble house flies. A "checkerboard" appearance on the top of the abdomen.

The Stable Fly is on the left (note the checkerboard pattern). Common house fly is on the right.

Stable flies prefer feeding on lower parts of the hosts such as the legs and belly of horses and cattle. They also feed with mouth parts that are scissor like in form and function. They do not suck but lick or lap up the blood from the wound.

A close up of the Stable fly mouth and head

Eggs are deposited into a variety of decaying animal and plant wastes but are rarely found in fresh manure. Fly larvae develop in excrement mixed with straw, soil, silage or grain, but are also found in wet straw, hay, grass clippings, other post-harvest refuse, and poorly managed compost piles. Large round hay or straw bales, where contacted by moist soil, may also serve as a larval development site. Larval development requires 11 to 21 days, depending on environmental conditions. Mature larvae then crawl to drier areas to pupate. The pupal period varies from six to 26 days depending on temperature. The entire life cycle from egg to adult is generally completed in three to six weeks.

Stable Flies carry diseases that affect animals and they also can carry anthrax. To avoid getting bitten wear long sleeves and pants. Some traps are available for livestock, and cedar shavings can prevent them from nibbling on pets.

Biting Midge close up

Biting Midges

Biting Midges also called Sand flies. This fly has biting and sucking mouth parts. Ouch! These small flies are renowned for their nuisance biting associated with habitats such as coastal lagoons, estuaries, mangrove swamps and tidal flats in coastal regions. That means for here ponds, lakes and rivers.

The biting activity of adult biting midges is mainly limited to the periods of dawn and dusk; they will remain inactive through very windy weather, finding shelter amongst vegetation. Biting midges will usually disperse only short distances from their breeding sites. Only female midges feed on blood, but both the females and males will feed on vegetable fluids and nectar. Adults midges are 1.5-4.0 mm long with stout short legs, and at rest fold their wings, which are often mottled, over the abdomen. Their mouthparts are short and projected down. Female midges may attack humans in large numbers, biting on any areas of exposed skin, and often on the face, scalp and hands. Some species will blood feed on a wide range of animal hosts.

The egg batches contain between 30-100 eggs, and are laid on selected substrates such as mud, decaying leaf litter, damp soil or other vegetative materials, dependent on the species. The small eel-like larvae hatch in a few days; their larval habitat must contain a proportion of organic material with a high moisture content to provide optimum conditions for the larval stage to thrive and pupate. The whole life cycle takes 3-10 weeks, dependent on species and environmental conditions, particularly temperature.

Biting midges;one is full from feeding the other is not.

Biting midges are responsible for acute discomfort, irritation and severe local reactions. Itching may commence immediately after the bite, but often not for some hours later, and most individuals are unaware of being bitten at the time. Biting midges have their greatest impact on people arriving to an area or tourists. Local residents seem to build up some immunity to the biting. In some sensitive people, midges can produce persistent reactions that blister and weep serum from the site of each bite and these reactions may last for several days to weeks. Biting midges are not known to transmit any disease

Repellant is great at keeping these ting flies at bay. Also when outdoors where long-sleeves and pants.

Join me tomorrow for Chiggers! If you have a biting insect story please leave it in the comment section. Don’t forget to book mark me and please sign my guest book!