Monday, July 6, 2009

Questions and Answers

Today is ask an author day! Yep. First question I am normally asked is Tell me about your book. That's not really a question but more of a demand/request. But I will try.

Answer; My book is called Darkness in Karn. It is a three part series that follows a newbie king and his crew. They battle evil and are trying to preserve their way of life from extinction caused by the, um, darkness. It's a youth/young adult fantasy fiction.

Question: How long have you worked on it?

Answer: YEARS! No seriously years. I have had to create characters, back stories, landscapes, entire realms for this book. I even created several new species of evil creatures for it. It takes a lot to create a new world from nothing.

Question: Is it finished?

Answer: Yes, but I am currently in the editing stage. It's done and I also have 3 other works in progress.

Question; Is it based on anyone you know?

Answer: Actually yes. There are several friends of mine that are in it as characters and my family is in it also. My mom is an elf in it that is pretty awesome.

Question: Why did you decide to write?

Answer: I have always had a pen in my hand. I honestly cannot remember a time in my life where I did not have a story to tell or a poem to pen. I remember making a "newspaper" with my brother when I was 8 years old. The articles in it were mostly about my pony Midnight and our new kitten, but it was a newspaper all the same. Writing also gives me a creative release. I think I would go mad if I didn't have some way to express myself. There is only so many ways you can express yourself with macaroni art.

Question: Do you want to be published?

Answer: Yes!! Who doesn't? I would love for it to take off like Harry Potter, then I would happily retreat to my newly purchased mansion to celebrate. I would be happy to get published period. I want to leave something for my sons to be proud of in the future.

Question: Your book contains magical elements. Do you yourself believe in magic?

Answer: Yes I do! There is magical things happening all the time! You just have to see it that way. To me there is magic in my son's laughter, in the way the rain falls to the ground and the way the moon rises. You just have to open your eyes to see it all.

Question: Why did you write a fantasy book?

Answer: Well they tell you to write what you know. So I know fantasy, I grew up reading them and thinking "I can do this better!". So I did.

Question: When are you going to officially be finished with the first book?

Answer: Well to be honest a good story never ends for the writer. Every time I pick up the manuscript I think of something I could add to it or edit. It's a constant battle not to pick it up once I declare something is finished. It's my baby and I want to coddle it.

Question: Can I read it?

Answer: Yes when it's published!

I hope this answered a few questions that you might of had. If I didn't cover one that you wanted answered post it as a comment. I hope everyone had a safe and fun holiday weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I have a question. Who is the greatest lady in the world? You are!
