Friday, July 24, 2009

Mozart Sandwich

Happy Friday!! Yep, the weekend is almost here at last. I am eager to spend some time with my family. I am savouring the last bit of summer break. I know that as a parent it is my duty to ensure that my boys love going to school, and that they get a proper education, yada, yada, yada. I fulfil my parental job requirements with tact and some happiness. I love hearing about their day when they come home. It's small moments when they look at me and smile right before they say how much they enjoyed the sandwich I packed in their lunch box because it was shaped like a race car. I realize that soon that my oldest will be too old to have dino and jack-o-lantern sandwiches. Well, packed in his lunch box anyway. Kids are cruel in the worst way.

In my reading of the news I have came across a spiffy article that got me excited. And I mean excited. On Thursday, as in yesterday, the International Mozarteum foundation said in very brief e-mail statement that they have DISCOVERED two NEW works composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. They are previously unknown works that are piano pieces composed when he was young.

These compositions have been in the foundation's possession for a while and they have recently discovered who the composer was. They are refusing to release anymore information on the two newly found works until August 2, 2009. The foundation has been around since 1880 and they seek to preserve Mozart's hertiage, and music.

This is HUGE for me. I am a avid lover of classical music, I grew up listening and playing classical music at home. I have even introduced my children to the genre of music. They listen to it every night when they go to bed. I feel that classical music is a dying genre, like a dead language, it is fading slowly. It's mostly used as background music in movies, and what is sad is that most people cannot tell the difference of Mozart from Chopin. That is sad. That is like saying people cannot tell the musical talents of Usher from Elvis. Public schools do not educate our children on the music that made music what it is today.

Classical music is awe inspiring. Some people think that it is nothing, that it is easy to compose music, some say it is easier than learning to read or write. To those people I have one question, Where is your composition?? Trust me composing is not easy matter. When Mozart was composing he did not have any technology other than the instruments, quill and paper, and a metronome. Could you compose what he did minus today's technology? Keep in mind he was doing this at the age of 5 years old. I seriously doubt it. That is why he was one of the best.

Now that I'm done ranting, I hope everyone has a great weekend, and a safe weekend! Remember to buckle up and not to run with scissors. It's all fun and games till someone looses an eye.

This video is from the movie AMADEUS, which came out in 1984. It is one of my all time favorite movies. This is the aria of the Night Queen from the Magic Flute, she is commanding her armies to slaughter her enemies. It's so beautiful one just doesn't think of bloodshed. It was composed in 1791, and it was one of his most popular opera's. In November of 1792 it celebrated it's 100th performance. That was outstanding then. Most opera's were considered successful if they were performed 3 times with a somewhat full audience. If you enjoy drama, guilt, vengeance, love and music see this movie. rent, borrow, and beg. It's worth it. Enjoy!!

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