Friday, July 10, 2009

Friends don't let Friends suffer Writers Block

Writer's block or Blocking the Writer as I call it can effect anyone, just not us professionals. It could happen to you as your jot down your grocery list or as your typing up a report for work. Friends don't let friends suffer from writer's block, so I am here to help you.

First thing to do is to change your location. Sitting on your couch? Move to the kitchen or bedroom. If you can go outside do it. Even if it's just for a break. Once in your new setting focus on a object. Anything will do, like a painting or a photo on the wall or a bird wheeling through the sky.

Observe the object of your focus. I mean really pay it some attention. Notice the smaller details. Maybe the painting has a small detail in a corner that you have over looked before, or it's frame has a chip. Absorb all the details of the object.

Now think about how you would describe that item/object to a friend. Lets say they call you and ask you to describe it to them in detail. If you need to write it down grab a pen a paper, but it's not necessary. All that matters is that your thinking in sentences. Do this for a few minutes or a hour. Take as long as you need.

Now take a breath and head back to your project. Think of all those great words you just used to describe your object. You can be creative! You can be descriptive! You have the power! Now write the hell out of your project that you were blocked on.

Usually this works for me if I am having issues with writing a scene. Sometimes even I can be at a loss of words. I mean really what can a person say after they discover their mom is a Elf, even though they have been raised up to believe they are human? I know I would be shocked silent. That only works for a paragraph or two in a book, then the character has to say something.

Change location, think of the scene then try the exercises list above. Instead of you suffering as a Blocked Writer you will be a Creative Writer.

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