Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Interesting news

Today so far has been a wonderful day. And I mean wonderful. I have obtained my renewed driver license this morning and I didn't get stopped by a single red light. I also managed to get me and my hunky husband breakfast while I was out. Oh, and my photo on my new licenses is awesome, I look good. I am hoping that the rest of the day says, "Gee R.J. is having a wonderful morning, so lets make the rest of her day rock out loud!". Unfortunately days can's speak so it leaves me wondering and hoping on some small level about the rest of my July 15th.

In the news today there is a report about 317 people skinny dipping for a world record. That is interesting! Could you imagine being a pool naked with 316 other people, most of whom are strangers? All I have to say is one word, "Wow!". For the full story and to see a short vid clip here's the link to the site:

Another piece of intriguing news is about a funeral home in South Carolina, the Cave Funeral Home and the owner Micheal Cave. There are always rumours about what actually goes on behind the closed doors of a funeral home, and many people have speculated what drives a person to want to be in the Death Business. Money of course is the a major moditvatior, and perhaps there is family pressure as in this case to continue the family tradition.

The state Funeral Board ordered the home shut down last month after Cave admitted his father, Charles Cave, used an electric saw to sever James Hines' legs at the calf because he wouldn't fit in the casket. ( He was 6 feet 7 inches tall). The elder Cave does not have the license needed to embalm a body, but helped with tasks around the home like dressing and cleaning bodies, his son told the board.

Rumors about Hines' suspected truncation started spreading through the town of 3,700 people about 75 miles southwest of Columbia not long after his death from skin cancer in October 2004. But confirmation came four years later when a fired employee, who was the only other worker in the room with Charles Cave when Hines' legs were cut, told the family what happened.
The state funeral board exhumed Hines' body and found the severed legs still in the casket. A criminal investigation also has been launched. A spokeswoman for prosecutor Duffie Stone didn't immediately return a message Tuesday.
Hines, 60, was an albino black man who had several modest hits in the 1970s as a soul and funk guitarist with J. Hines and the Boys. He became a preacher later in life.

This story is shameful! Desecration of a body, and he kept the secret until he was outted by an ex-employee who wanted a bit of revenge and a clear conscious. How would they feel it is was their loved one?

Tall people have as many problems as short people do. For example if a car/truck is too large I have trouble reaching the pedals, even with the seat adjusted. I can't reach the top cabinets in my kitchen, I have to have all of my jeans hemmed to fit me. Where I have issues most people don't. I don't know another person outside of my family that has to use a step stool to reach their crackers.

A tall friend of mine actually got a concussion from a ceiling fan, and he had actually removed the front seat of his car so he could fit in it. He drove while sitting in the back seat, it was a tiny car. Think 7 feet 2 inches in an escort. Not to mention all the weather jokes and people assuming he was skilled at basketball when he wasn't. People can be cruel, and this poor guy couldn't even defend himself and his family was unaware of it.

So next time think twice before you say something stupid or do something even worse. Would you want someone saying that to you? Or would you want someone doing that to you? Come on people, think! We were blessed with a brain and free-will for a reason. Lets put them to use!

*note for followers, I will not be posting on Thursday the 16th or Friday the 17th due to my children having dental work done. Please leave a comment and sign my guest book! I wish everyone a great rest of their week and a good weekend! I will post again on Monday!

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